Timeline project deboeser

  • Changes in Mass Media & Communication

    Changes in Mass Media & Communication
    Modernism marked the change, this period the conventional ways of viewing and interacting with the world were rejected
  • Introduction to Jazz Music

    Introduction to Jazz Music
    In the 20s and 30s jazz was produced and introduced in Harlem, it later even became popular worldwide
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    Harlem Renaissance

    After WW| African Americans created vibrant cultural communities in the north, the great migration was also a part, African Americans left the south in large groups for a “better life” in north and Midwest after WW|.
  • 19th Amendment

    19th Amendment
    The 19th amendment states no one should be denied the right to vote in the United States because of sex, Woodrow Wilson granted suffrage to women.
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    The temperance movement to ban alcohol, it was believed to be destroying families, made workers inefficient with more accidents, and had workers moving slower. Alcohol was bad for society it lead to the rise in crime, smuggling, and speakeasies, was repealed by the 21st amendment.
  • The Scopes ‘Monkey’ Trial

    The Scopes ‘Monkey’ Trial
    John Scopes, a substitute in TN, teaching evolution illegal in most states intentionally. He was later put on trial and was fined $100, radio hosts described TN as “backwards.”
  • Stock Market Crash

    Stock Market Crash
    The stock market experienced unprecedented growth in the 1920s but because of serious flaw in the economy and the market itself it led to a economic collapse.
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    The Great Depression

    The Great Depression was a very severe world wide economic disintegration symbolized in the US, it was caused by the overproduction of industrial and agricultural products, expansion and use or credit, unequal distribution of wealth, etc.
  • Smoot-Hawkey Act

    Smoot-Hawkey Act
    This was the tariff of 1930, the tariffs were meant to encourage citizens to by American goods other countries didn’t agree with these tariffs and thus caused world trade to be strangled.
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    FDRs New Deal

    Had many long term effect on the US government and society, federal government changed. American politics, the economy, and society all got transformed