Timeline Project

  • Period: to

    Japan and Russia

    In early February, the American occupation of Cuba ended. Japan then notified Russia that they were going to be ending negotiations and recalling its members from Moscow. This made Russia angry and after Japanese troops landed near Seoul, Japan and Russia declared war. The United States gained control of the Panama Canal Zone for $10 million. On this same day, Japan signed a treaty with Korea under which it became Japanese territory in return for Japanese protection from other powers.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    On this day, a group of workers led by a priest named Georgy Apollonovich Gapon marched to the czar's Winter Palace in St. Petersburg to let him know that things need to change and that the way that they are living is not okay. This didn’t go over well because the czar felt as though they were a threat. Imperial forces opened fire on the demonstrators, killing and wounding hundreds.
  • The British and Their Military

    The British and Their Military
    British controlled Egypt took control of the Sinai peninsula from Turkey. Czar Nicholas II of Russia restricted the power of the Duma. After this, the first meeting of the Russian Duma took place. In the later weeks of May, a British troop left Esquimalt on the Pacific Coast after a military occupation that began in 1858. The last British soldiers were stationed in Canada. On the last day of May, an attack on King Alfonso XIII and Victoria of Battenberg in Madrid took place.
  • War in Europe

    War in Europe
    On August 1st, Germany declared war on Russia. Germany also declared war on France, and invaded neutral Belgium. A rejected ultimatum to the British asking to withdraw from Belgium resulted in Britain's declaration of war on Germany. During the Siege of Liege, the Austro-Hungarian Empire declared war on Russia and Great Britain. France declared war on Austria-Hungary and Serbia was invaded. Japan declared war on Germany, the Battle of Tannenberg broke out, followed by the Battle of the Marne.
  • Rules of War

    Rules of War
    In the first week of November, the British captured Gaza, Palestine. The Bolshevik government suspended freedom of press during the October Revolution. British occupied Tel Aviv and Jaffa, followed by Lenin defending the “temporary” removal of freedom of the press. In late November, the new government of Russia offered an armistice to Germany and Austria-Hungary and the Supreme Allied War Council met at Versailles to define war aims.
  • The Russian “February Revolution”, Britain and the US

    The Russian “February Revolution”, Britain and the US
    The first main event occurring in March was the United States releasing the Zimmermann Telegram to the public. Then, the first major strike of the Russian “February Revolution” started in Petrograd. This same day, Mexico and the United States renewed diplomatic relations. Protests over food rations and war broke out by the Russian “February Revolution.” Finally, on March 12, a US merchant ship was sunk by a German submarine. This same day, President Wilson gave orders to arm US merchant ships.
  • The Spring Offensive

    The Spring Offensive
    The 1918 Spring Offensive, or the Ludendorff Offensive, was a series of German attacks along the Western Front during the First World War. These began on 21 March 1918 and they marked the deepest advances by either side since 1914.
  • Iraq and Africa

    Iraq and Africa
    On the first day of October, Sir Percy Cox landed in Basra to accept his responsibilities as high commissioner in Iraq. Soon after this, Italy annexed South Tirol (alto Adige). About a week or two after this, African demonstrators were shot in Port Elizabeth, which is in South Africa. Then, the League of Nations moved headquarters in Geneva. Finally, the Communist Party of Australia was founded in Sydney followed by Romania annexing Bessarabia.
  • World Problems

    World Problems
    Eduardo Iradier, a Spanish premier, was assassinated while exiting the parliament building in Madrid. Then, Mongolia declared it's independence from China. Britain signed a trade agreement with the USSR and sent a trade mission to Moscow. This went against the US, who agreed not to sign a trade agreement. The Second Republic of Poland adopted the March Constitution. Finally, Germany announced that they are unable to meet its WWI reparation payments.
  • New Constitutions

    New Constitutions
    The first constitution of Irish Free State came into operation. After this, Gabriel N was elected the new Polish president. In Hague, the IVV peace conference on war took place. On the 20th of December, 14 republics formed the Union of Soviet Social Republics. In Ghent, the Belgian Parliament rejected a Dutch University. On December 29, the Dutch Constitution was proclaimed. On the final day of December, the creation of the USSR formally proclaimed in Moscow occured.