League of Nations
The League of Nations was created by Woodrow Wilson. He would go create it in 1920 on January 10th. The League of Nations have 14 points that tried to stop wars from happening but after some time failed. -
The Tulsa Race Massacre
what who where The massacre was focused on black people, being attacked by white men. The massacre would occur in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The reason this happened was because after WWI there was racial tensions rising. -
The Jazz Age
where when what In 1925 it was the Jazz age and was when many people glorified living in cities like New York and Chicago to leave their farms. People like Louis Armstrong and Duke Ellington would start there music careers. -
Invention of Penicillin
There's an antibiotic called Penicillin that was accidentally founded by Alexander Fleming. The antibiotic was founded in September 28th 1928. Penicillin was discovered at St. Mary Hospital. -
The great deppression
In the U.S. when the stock market crashed during an event called black Tuesday. After that event, it would start a chain of events and become the start of the 10 year era of "The Great Depression." The Great Depression would be the downfall of the industrial economy and wouldn't end until 1939. -
Empire State built
The Empire State building was built by John. J, Raskob and AI Smith. They built the Empire State building because they wanted to host a corporate business office. Fun-fact about the empire state building, it took just 10 days to build with 3,000+ workers. -
FDR New Deal
President Roosevelt signed a bill called "New Deal". This would be a try to turn around The Great Depression and put the U.S. back on its feet. This made the federal agencies try to control the agricultural production by stabilizing prices and wages, also by creating opportunities for the unemployed and make work programs.