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Timeline Project
First Colony at Jamestown
On May 13th, 1607 the "Susan Constant, Godspeed Discovery" arrived at the selected location for the settlement that would be Jamestown. The ship contained 105 passengers, one died on the voyage over. This settlement occured nearly 13 years before the Pilgrims arrived. -
The Thirty Years' War begins
The Thirty Years' war began in 1618 and ended in 1648. The war began as a conflict between Catholics and Protestants then developed into a general conflict which invloved most major powers in Europe. The war ended with the Peace of Westphalia. -
English Civil War
The English Civil wars lasted from 1642 until 1651. This was a series of conflicts regarding England's style of government. The wars were fought between the Royalists and the Parliamentarians.
The Parliamentarians won the war and the English monarchy was replaced. These wars also led to the execution of Charles the first. -
Seven Years' War
The Seven Years' war was fought between the British and the French coalition. It involved every major power at the time. Britian and Prussia were growing rapidly and the French and Holy Roman Empire aimed to make their own mark. The war was concluded with the Treaty of Paris. Great Britain is believed to have won the war decisively. -
John Quincy Adams was born
John Quincy Adams was born on July 11, 1767 in Braintree, Massachusetts. He was the son of John and Abigail Adams. The town was later renamed Quincy. -
The Boston Massacre
The Boston Massacre was a turning point in American emotions towards the British. The British government had began to heavily tax the colonies and sent in more troops to help maintain order. On March 5th a group of colonists began harassing a British sentry. When more soldiers came to assist the sentry the harassment continued. The soldiers then fired into the crowd and killed five male civilians. -
The start of the American Revolution
On this day 700 British troops marched to seize a Patriot arsenal. They were met by 77 armed Colonists. The Colonists were ordered to leave and began to reluctantly. Then the "shot heard around the world" occured when a British soldier mistakenly fired his musket. The Revolution ended in 1783. -
Declaration of Independence was signed
At the Second Continental Congress in Philadelphia fifty-six delegates signed the Declaration of Independence. This document stated that the thirteen colonies at war with Great Britain were independent states. -
The Articles of Confedration was written
The Articles of Confedration was an agreement between the thirteen states in the U.S. This document served as the first constitution of America. It was formally ratified by all thirteen states in 1781. -
John Quincy Adams started writing in his journal
John Quincy Adams wrote in his diary from 1779 until shortly before his death in 1848. John's diary contains more than 14,000 pages, which provides great insight into the life he lived. -
The French Revolution
The French Revolution was a time in which many social and economic changes were taking place in France. This period lasted from 1789 until 1799. The outcomes of the Revolution include: overthrow of the French monarchy, the emergence of liberalism, and the rise of Napoleon Bonaparte. -
George Washington is elected as the first President
In the first Presidental election, George Washington recieved sixty-nine votes from Congress which elected him as the first President. Runner-up John Adams became his Vice President. It is believed that Washington reluctantly accepted the Presidency after months of dodging the idea. -
John Quincy Adams was appointed minister to Holland
At the age of twenty-seven Adams departed for Europe. It is believed that John did not want the position but with the advice of his father he followed through. While serving as minister, Adams gained valuable skills and observed the ways of politics. -
The War of 1812
The war of 1812 was fought between the U.S. and Great Britain and lasted for two and a half years. The British had been imposing trade restrictions and had impressed more than 10,000 American sailors into the Royal Navy. The British seeked to gain back land that was lost. The war concluded with the Treaty of Ghent and relations went back to normal. -
The Treaty of Ghent
John Quincy Adams led the U.S. delegation of diplomats. Their goal was to restore relations with the British to the same as they were before war broke out. American was having success in the war, but it was running the American economy into the ground. Adams and his team were successful in their negotiations and relations went back to normal. Unger quote: ""I consider the day on which I signed it [the Treaty of Ghent] as the happiest of my life," John Quincy wrote to Louisa, " (Unger 176) -
Monroe Doctrine
John Quincy Adams was the Secretary of State during James Monroe's presidency. Adams is credited with suggesting and authoring the Monroe Doctrine. This document prohibited further European expansion across the Atlantic Ocean, which served as a major foundation for future American foreign policy. Unger quote: "John Quincy submitted a proposal that... The President included it verbatim" -
John Quincy Adams was elected President
John Quincy Adams was the sixth President of the Unitd States. Andrew Jackson won the electoral vote but was not elected due to Adam's pairing with Henry Clay. This became known at the "corrupt bargain." -
John Quincy Adams was elected to the House
John Quincy Adams became the first and only President to also serve in the House of Representatives. He rejected declaring a party and pledged to represent "the whole nation." Adams served nine terms before he suffered a fatal stroke while debating in the House. Unger quote: ""I am a member-elect of the Twenty-Second Congress," he wrote in joyful disbelief that night, and nothing Louisa could say could detract from his satisfaction." (Unger 262) -
John Quincy Adams wins the Amistad case
The Amistad was a ship carrying fifty-three kidnapped Africans from Sierra Leone. The prisoners revloted on the ship and killed the captain and crew. Adams represented the slaves in court and pleaded his case for nine hours. Adams was successful in granting freedom to the Africans on board. The Africans were allowed to sail back to Sierra Leone. -
British Raj of India
The British Raj of India was when Britain decided to colonize India. The British ruled in India between 1858 and 1947. During this time, the people of India faced many injustices by the British government. They were often viewed as lesser citizens. -
Abraham Lincoln was elected President
Abraham Lincoln was elected the sixteenth President of the United States. Abe became the first Republican to win the nomination. Lincoln only recieved forty percent of the popular vote but was still able to win the election.