Alaska got purchased
Russia was controlling most of the area from the late 1700s until 1867. The US paid $7.2 million to own the land. Alaska officially became a state in 1959. -
Transcontinental Railroad
The railroad was 1776 miles long. Thousands of immigrants built the railroad. It was finally completed in Promontory Point, Utah. -
John D. Rockefeller- Standard oil
The oil company rose up fast and big taking over the US. The business was known as a monopoly and dangerous. The company's name changed multiple times because of the trust companies. -
Alexander Graham Bell invents telephone
Bell played with his "harmonic telegraph" before the actual telephone was patented. The first words on a telephone were "Watson come here, I want you!". When Bell died, the phones stopped ringing to give him a tribute. -
Thomas Edison creates lightbulbs
23 different light bulbs were made before Edison. Edison was able to have a lightbulb run for 13 hours straight without breaking. The first largest scale of buildings that had light was 25, in New York. -
Chinese Exclusion Act
Samuel Grompers- AFL
Sherman Antitrust Act
Ellis Island Opened
The first immigrants to arrive at Ellis Island were 3 unaccompanied minors. Immigrants didn't change their names when they got to the island. People came to find freedom and Opportunities. -
Homestead Strike
Plessy V. Ferguson
U.S. declares war on Spain
The Philippine Insurrection comes to an end
Hawaii is annexed
Planters staged an overthrow of the queen but had the US to protect them. Cleveland wanted to pull the annexation of Hawaii, for the people had different opinions. Hawaii became an official state in 1959. -
"The White Man's Burden"
Boxer rebellion
Tenement Act
The Roosevelt Corollary
"The jungle"
Pure food& Drug act
The matter wasn't really public until "The jungle" was published. The senate was delaying the process, but James Mann brought it to attention again. After the house approved this act, Roosevelt signed it the next day to officially approve it. -
Peak of Ellis Island
First model T
Ford built an automobile that was inexpensive so people could afford it. The main headquarters was in Detroit, Michigan. Ford had taken 40% of the population had a model T car. -
Theodore Roosevelt becomes president
The Triangle shirtwaist fire
Panama Canal Complete
Franz Ferdinand death starts WWI
U.S. enters WWI
18th Amendment= prohibition
Women's right to vote
Women were put in jail because of their rights and were abused also. The women protested out in the streets and in front of important government buildings. Susan B. Anthony and Alice Paul were the main leaders of the suffrage movement.