Timeline Project

By ahendoo
  • Conception

    -My fathers sperm was able to make it to my mothers egg, and began to form me with and xx gene, one from my mother and one from my father.(biological)
  • Period: to

    Conception through birth

  • After bring conceived (About 2-8 weeks)

    • During this time in the womb I experienced the Embryonic Period, which is where y cell differentiation increases, support systems are created and organs develop.(Biological)
    • All of my organs at this time also known as Organogenesis, it was essential for my mother to make sure she was taking her prenatal vitimans and eating healthy daily. (environmental & Biological)
  • Prenatal ( Conception - Birth)

    • I had a normal Growth rate in my mothers belly and had regular check up's and ultrasounds throughout my mom's pregnancy with me. My parents were also able to hear my heart beat inside the womb.(Biological and Environmental)
    • I never showed my gender to my parents or doctor no matter how many times they tried, because I always crossed my legs, I was the last child born, so my parents really wanted to know my gender. (Biological & Environmental)
  • Inside the Womb (32 weeeks)

    • At this time inside my mother womb, I was having periods of being awake but also periods where I spent a lot of time sleeping -I learned to respond to sound (cognitive) -My body is positioning for childbirth (environmental)
  • Prenatal (32 weeks- Birth)

    • I had five older siblings who would talk to me through my mothers Belly frequently ( Socio-emotional)
    • I was delivered vaginally a day late (biological)
  • Birth

    • On September 18th 1994, I was born in the morning time at Buffalo Hospital (Normal life event, biological, environmental)
    • I was born with my belly button corn wrapped around my neck and my mother and I immediately were connected to a machine to help give us air.(Non-normative life event) -I was placed on my moms chest skin to skin to bond and be comforted (socio-emotional) -My mother and father fought over what to name me.
  • Period: to


  • Period: to

    Birth - 18 -24 Months of age

  • Newborn baby girl

    • I was taken home from the hospital and I developed a great relationship with my family and was often "babied" because I was the baby of six kids. Anything I needed my siblings would take care of for me.(Social age family influence)
  • Infancy (Birth to 18-24 Months)

    • I went into the doctor for well child check ups and seemed to be growing at an average rate (biological, normal- age graded) -My mother was a stay at home mom who provided for me (environment, socio-emotional)
    • I was a Insecure Resistant baby , and formed a good bond with my mother, since I was taken care of so often by her and my siblings, I would often cry when my mother left the room, but also pushed away when she would try to hold and comfort me. (environment, socio-emotional)
  • Eating

    -Since I was born , I was continuously leaned on my mother for food, and learned how to be breastfed.(gross motor, socio-emotional)
    - I was able to grow physically and maintain a healthier lifestyle by being breastfed. (biological)
  • Infancy

    • At this age I was able to learn that if one Block can be used to stack that I can do that with almost any kind of block. (Cognitive)
  • Crawling

    • I started to crawl around 7 months old, I first started with my legs on the floor and scooting my body, and eventually was able to lift my whole body up and crawl over to things. (Gross motor skills)
  • Walking

    • At 11 months old, I began to walk. I loved to play with my siblings, and so once I did I was chasing them all over the place. (Gross motor skills, Social-learning)
  • My first words (infancy)

    -For months I listened to my family talk to one another and to me, with only being able to gesture and talking in a language they didn't understand. (biological Influences)
    -My first words were at 13 months old, and it was "dog", because we owned a dog. (language development, cognitive)
  • Infancy

    • I smiled for the first time. (socio-emotional) -I would cry to let my parents know that I needed something, and that was my way of communicating. I had a couple different cries. One was a basic cry which is for a diaper change, or a bottle, or because I was tired, the other one is angry when a need isn't being met and then a cry for when I'm in pain. (socio-emotional)
  • Physical growth

    • When I was born it was said that my brain weights only about 25% of it's adults weight, however by my second Birthday 9/18/1996 my brain weighted about 75% of my adult weight. (biological)
  • Period: to

    Early Childhood (2-5)

  • Early Childhood (2-5 years of age)

    • My nephew was born when I was 2 and a half years old (sciociological, and normative life event)
    • I moved when I was four and my dog died the first day we arrived to our new place (Socio-emotional, Normative -age graded) -I was stung by a bee when I was 3 and had to go to the ER because it caused an allergic reaction (non-normative life event)
    • I started going to Kitergarden (scociological and normal age graded influence)
  • Early childhood

    -My brain begins to develop the prefrontal coretex, which helped me plan and organize new actions as well as maintain my attention on one task at a time.
    -I started to be able to finish cleaning the toys off the floor before moving to the next action. (Both are Physical development)
  • Early Childhood

    -by this age I was able to start to differentiage emotions, including my own and others. I was able to tell if one of my siblings was sad or mad, and how I was feeling.
    -I was also able to realize if one of my siblings was lying to be or telling me inaccurate information (both are socio-emotional)
  • Early childhood

    -At this age I was ready for school and even though I stayed at home with my mom all of these years, I developed symbolic function sub stage, and was able to realize my mom was still going to be at home when I was out of school rather than gone forever because I couldn't see her.
  • Period: to

    Middle and late childhood (6-11)

  • Early Childhood (2-5 years)

    • I would often wrestle with my dad and brothers (enviorment, Fine motor skills) -Learned my ABC's and learned to count (cognitive) -
  • Middle and Late childhood

    • at 10 years old my Grandmother passed away, but even through that situation and school, I was able to learn to deal with those emotions appropriately and to address my stress in a healthy way. (socio-emotional) -I also developed most of my self-esteem and self worth at this age, which unfortunately was low. (socio-emotional)
  • Middle/ Late Childhood (6-11)

    • I learned how to read out of chapter books rather than little picture books as well as attain and elaborate with the information learned in the book I was reading. (cognitive)
  • Middle to late Childhood

    -At this age I was growing about 2-3 inches a year and I gained between 5-7 pounds each year as well, I gained around the average weight and height for my age.(normative life event,biological)
  • Period: to

    Adolescense (10-12 to 18-22)

  • Middle and late childhood

    -at this age I was able to realize that the amount of food I got on my plate, was not the same as how much my older siblings(especially older brothers)got, without physically touching the food, that's because I can preform concrete operations in my head. (cognitive)
  • Adolesence ( 10-12 to ages 18-21)

    • At this age I went through puberty among many hormonal changes, as well as getting my first menstrual cycle. (biological, normal age graded) -I also gained a lot more weight starting in the 8th grade (biological)
  • Adolescence

    • At 15 I tried smoking marijuana for the first time as well as drinking, but able to think and no it was a bad decision before hand. (Cognitive)
  • Adolescence

    • My mother did daycare for years in adolesece it taught me a lot about kids and eventually I started babysitting at a young age, so even though I wanted to go hangout with friends I thought making money was more important. (cognitive)
  • Adolescense(10-12 to 18-21)

    Adolescense(10-12 to 18-21)
    • I found out I was pregnant with my first son in my senior year
    • I found out I was having a boy January 2013 & I named my son after my Grandpa who had passed away shortly before my son was born.
    • I had my first son at 18 (the day before my graduation party that I was never able to attend) 6/1/13
  • Early Adulthood (20's to 30's)

    Early Adulthood (20's to 30's)
    • at 21 I lost everything due to an addiction (Non-normative life event)
    • I was able to start all over, and shortly after found out I was pregnant, I gave birth to my second baby boy at 21 years old.(biological, socio-emotional) Yes- this is my baby boy(Huxley) the day he was born. 8/6/16
    • I started college (cognitive)
  • Period: to

    Early Adulthood (20's to 30's)

  • Middle Adulthood (35-45 to 60's)

    • Have more children(biological, socio-emotional) -Have a house (normal age graded influence)
    • Have a college degree and a good career (cognitive, socio-emotional) -Experiencing Menopause (biological, normal age graded influence) -Spending a lot of time with my family and kids (socio-emotional)
  • Late Adulthood (60's-70's to death)

    • Retire from career -Medical issues