timeline project

  • 250 BCE

    Mali is west Africa trading center

    Mali is west Africa trading center
  • Period: 250 BCE to 1500

    islamic and west africa timeline

  • 250

    Bantu peoples settle south of Sahara

    Bantu peoples settle south of Sahara
  • 570

    Muhammad, preacher of Islam, is born

    Muhammad, preacher of Islam, is born
  • 622

    Muhammad travels to Madina

    Muhammad travels to Madina
  • 661

    Umayyads establish Damascus as capital

    Umayyads establish Damascus as capital
  • 800

    Baghdad is the center of islamic culture

    Baghdad is the center of islamic culture
  • Period: 800 to 900

    Ghana is trading empire

    i could not enter a picture but this is a picture and info about ghana
  • 900

    Al-Razi writes medical texts

    Al-Razi writes medical texts
  • 1258

    mongols burned Baghdad

    mongols burned Baghdad
  • 1352

    Ibn Battuta reaches west africa

    Ibn Battuta reaches west africa
  • 1441

    first captives in european slave trade

    first captives in european slave trade
  • 1500

    Suleiman I rules ottoman empire

    Suleiman I rules ottoman empire