timeline project

  • 9-11

    on 9-11 a plane got hijacked by a terrorist and was heading for New York city. It then crashed into the Twin Towers and killed 2,996. There is now a memorial in New York where the twin towers once stood.
  • LA wins World Series

    LA wins World Series
    In the 2001 World Series the LA Angels battled the San francisco Giants. The Angels rookie pitcher held the Giants to 1 point the whole game. Then the Angels got there bats going and bet the Giants 10 to 1.
  • I was born

    I was born
    I was born on this day in the Payson hospital. After I was born I went home to Santaquin. Then I grew up to today.
  • Started Playing Baseball

    Started Playing Baseball
    On this day I played baseball for the first time ever. This was how I got into baseball and still play to this day. Baseball is the best sport I have ever played.
  • Moved

    My family moved to Benjamin Utah. We built a house in a field right by my Grandmas house. We moved from Santaquin utah.
  • Got Braces

    Got Braces
    This was the day I finally got braces. I had wanted braces all my life until I got them on. I didn't think they would hurt that bad but they sure did.
  • First Day of Eighth Grade

    First Day of Eighth Grade
    Eighth grade was going to be a good year of school because of the teachers I got. They are all so nice and I really like them. Also I really like the new classes I can take in Eighth grade.
  • West Mountain Fire

    West Mountain Fire
    I was about to go to bed when I looked out the window to see the mountain lit up. I ran outside and watched the flames burn. Later that night I was in bed and I heard sirens. There were like 10 fire trucks that went by.