Scientific Discoveries

  • The Battery

    The Battery
    Alessandro Volta discovers electrochemical series and invents the battery. He invented the Voltaic pile in 1799.
  • Period: to

    Scientific Discoveries

  • Electromagnetism

    Hans Christian Orsted discovered that a current passed through a wire will deflect the needle of a compass, establishing a deep relationship between electricity and magnetism.
  • Gas Law

    an Italian scientist, most known as Avogadro's law, who states that equal volumes of gases under the same conditions of temperature and pressure will contain equal numbers of molecules.
  • Enzyme Diastase

    Enzyme Diastase
    A Diastase is any one of a group of enzymes which catalyses the breakdown of starch into maltose.
    Anselme Payen was a French chemist known for discovering the enzyme diastase.
  • Phytogenesis

    Matthias Jakob Schleiden stated that all parts of the plant organism are composed of cells.
  • First Law Of Thermodynamics

    James Prescott Joule was an English physicist, mathematician and brewer, who studied the nature of heat, and discovered its relationship to mechanical work. It led to The Law Of Conservation Of Energy. This led to the development of the first law of thermodynamics.
  • Basis For Genetics

    Gregor Johann Mendel founder of the modern science of genetics.
    He demonstrated the actions of invisible “factors” that are now called genes. Predictably determining the traits of an organism.
  • Periodic Table

    Periodic Table
    Dmitri Mendeleev, formulated the Periodic Law, created a farsighted version of the periodic table of elements, and used it to correct the properties of some already discovered elements and also to predict the properties of eight elements yet to be discovered.
  • Virus

    Dmitri Ivanovsky, was a Russian botanist, who discovered viruses. He is also one of the founders of virology.
  • X- Rays

    Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen, was a German mechanical engineer and physicist. On November 8 1895, he produced and detected electromagnetic radiation in a wavelength range known as X-rays. This achievement earned him the first Nobel Prize in Physics in 1901.
  • Radioactivity

    Henri Becquerel, a French physicist, Nobel laureate, and the first person to discover evidence of radioactivity.
  • Green House Effect

    Svante August Arrhenius, was the first to use basic principles of physical chemistry to calculate estimates of the extent to which increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide. This would increase Earth's surface temperature through the greenhouse effect.
  • The Plum Pudding Model

    The Plum Pudding Model
    Sir Joseph John Thomson, was an English physicist and Nobel Laureate in Physics, who discovered and identified the electron.
    He also proposed the Plum Pudding Model of an atom.
  • Electron Charge

    Robert Andrews Millikan, began by measuring the course of charged water droplets in an electric field. He obtained more precise results in 1910 with his famous oil-drop experiment in which he replaced water (which tended to evaporate too quickly) with oil.
  • Production Of Ammonia

    The Haber process, is an artificial nitrogen fixation process and is the main industrial procedure for the production of ammonia. It was named after its inventors, the German chemists Fritz Haber and Carl Bosch, whom developed it in the first half of the 20th century.
  • Atomic Nucleus

    Atomic Nucleus
    Ernest Rutherford, 1st Baron Rutherford of Nelson, came to be known as the father of nuclear physics. He discovered the concept of radioactive half-life, with nuclear transmutation of one chemical element to another. In which he also differentiated and named alpha and beta radiation.
  • Atomic Number

    Atomic Number
    Henry Gwyn Jeffreys Moseley, an English physicist, who contributed to the science of physics gave the chemical concept of the atomic number. He proposed that the atom contains in its nucleus a number of positive nuclear charges that is equal to its (atomic) number in the periodic table.
  • Model Of The Atom

    Niels Henrik David Bohr, was a a Danish physicist who made foundational contributions to understanding atomic structure and quantum theory. He developed the Bohr model of the atom, in which he proposed that energy levels of electrons are discrete and that the electrons revolve in stable orbits around the atomic nucleus but can jump from one energy level (orbit) to another.
  • The Identification Of Black Holes

    Karl Schwarzschild, provided the first exact solution to the Einstein field equations of general relativity, for the limited case of a single spherical non-rotating mass, which he accomplished in 1915, the same year that Einstein first introduced general relativity. This lead to a derivation of the Schwarzschild radius, which is the size of the event horizon of a non-rotating black hole.
  • Conservation Laws Are Valid

    Conservation Laws Are Valid
    Amalie Emmy Noether, proved the Noether's theorem, states that every differentiable symmetry of the action of a physical system has a corresponding conservation law.