The Great Depression
The Great Depression was caused by a crash in the stock market. This event made a lot of investors panic and they had no hope for the American economy. This started on a day which is now called "Black Tuesday". https://sites.google.com/site/bwimperialamerica12/home/the-great-depression -
Japan Invades Manchuria
Japan was the first of the fascist countries to successfully expand its empire, by invading Manchuria. Japan was just like Germany because they both grew in size and they both had young people wanting to join the military. https://lyndenpacifictheater.wordpress.com/china-invasion/ -
Hitler is announced chancellor of Germany
Hitler the leader of the Nazis is appointed Chancellor of Germany. This then leads to Germany Hitler making a Military Dictatorship. He also kills millions of people. https://www.thoughtco.com/adolf-hitler-appointed-chancellor-of-germany-1779275 -
Germany Forces Austria to Unite
In March 1938 Germany forces Austria to unite with them because the Germans say that if your a member of the German race you should belong in one country. Within twelve months Hitler seized Czechoslovakia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II -
Kristallnacht or Day of Broken Glass
This day is when all chaos broke loose in Germany. Many Jewish things were destroyed and many Jews were killed. Kristallnacht is a German word for Broken Glass. The day is called Broken Glass because of break-ins at houses and things being destroyed. https://www.history.com/topics/holocaust/kristallnacht -
Non-Aggression Pact
While Germany was busy fighting Britain Hitler turned to the Soviet Union, led by Joseph Stalin. Hitler and Stalin signed a Non-Aggression Pact that basically protected them from Hitler's wrath. It was a win-win situation because the Soviet Union is protected and Germany keeps gaining more power. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German%E2%80%93Estonian_Non-Aggression_Pact -
Germany Invades Poland
In 1939 Germany rolls tanks into Poland. Since Germany invaded Poland, France and Britain wanted to declare war against them, but they were unprepared for Hitler and the Nazis. Later in 1940, France falls to Germany. https://www.history.com/topics/world-war-ii/germany-invades-poland-video -
Blitz is known as the bombings of England. During this, the Germans destroyed whole neighborhoods and they killed thousands of civilians. During this Roosevelt sent "Weapons of Defense" to England and they didn't declare war. http://www.eyewitnesstohistory.com/blitz.htm -
D-Day is when the Allied forces invaded northern France by beach landings of Normandy. The Allied forces only invaded France because it was occupied by the Germans. While the Allied forces were there they saw lots of Concentration Camps and Hitler's plan for Genocide. https://www.history.com/news/why-was-it-called-d-day -
Almost a Final Solution
In 1944 the Concentration Camps were liberated. Germany almost achieved a Final Solution. A Final Solution is the Nazis killing all the Jews. 2 out of 3 Jews in Europe were killed in Concentration Camps. https://www.thoughtco.com/concentration-and-death-camps-chart-4081348 -
Nuremberg War Trials Begin
In 1945 twenty-four high ranking Nazis were put on trial for wrongdoing and for committing Atrocities. The trials were held by an International Tribunal that was made of representatives from the United States, France, the Soviet Union, and Great Britain. https://www.rsi.ch/rete-due/programmi/cultura/domenica-in-scena/L%E2%80%99alba-del-giorno-prima-Processo-a-Norimberga-7266491.html