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Timeline project politics

  • Period: to

    Presidential Election

    Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr defeat John Adams and Charles Pinckney .
  • Presidential Re-election

    Presidential Re-election
    Presidential election: Jefferson is re-elected president and George Clinton elected Vice President.
  • John Quincy Adams Election

    John Quincy Adams Election
    John Quincy Adams wins the disputed presidential election.
  • Andrew Jacksons Election

    Andrew Jacksons Election
    Andrew Jackson is elected in a landslide, winning every Western state in the country.
  • Period: to

    Jacksons cabinet

    Jackson forms a “kitchen cabinet,” an informal group of advisors. This kitchen cabinet will help promote the discussions that are being talked about and the peppers will also promote it.
  • Attempted Assassination

    Attempted Assassination
    30 Jan. Richard Lawrence tries to assassinate Andrew Jackson, the first attempt on the life of a U.S. president.
    This would have put a humongous set back to the country with the war because the main leader wouldn't be able to control and give orders.
  • John C. Fremont journey of the west

    John C. Fremont journey of the west
    John C.Fremont leaves Kansas City for another exploratory journey of the West;the expedition yields an accurate survey of the immigrant route to Oregon.
  • Mining Gold

    Mining Gold
    Gold is discovered at Sutter’s Mill in California. This was a very big opportunity for families and men to attempt to strike it rich at California and mine for gold.
  • More land

    More land
    In the Gadsden Purchase the United States receives twenty-nine thousand square miles of Mexican territory south of the Gila River for a southern railroad line. This helped the U.S. grow so more people could live their.
  • Senate Seat Debate

    Senate Seat Debate
    Abraham Lincoln debates Stephen A. Douglas for an Illinois senate seat. This was a big opportunity for both Lincoln and Douglas if the other would have won the debate things could have turned out way different than they are today.