Gaspar noe 2

Timeline Project (10th Grade) - Abdulla Alsaleh

By asaleh
  • Birth

    Gaspar Noé born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Although he was born in Argentina, and his father, Luis Felipe Noé, was Argentine, Gaspar identifies as French, since he was raised in France and his first language is French. Luis Felipe Noé is a well-known painter, writer and intellectual.
  • Death of his Mother

    Death of his Mother
    Gaspar Noé's mother died in his arms when he was around seven years old. Although many would consider this as a tragic moment in Gaspar's life, he looks at this moment differently.
    "I don't know if you've lost your parents, but when my mother died in my arms it was one of the sweetest moments of my life. To see her lying in my arms, it was like the past, present, and future were all linked."
  • First Short Film

    First Short Film
    After finishing his studies at the Luis Lumiére National College in Saint-Denis, France, Gaspar made his first short film. It was called "Tintarella Di Luna",
    and it was made in black and white due to budget limitations. The short itself was about a plague that spread among the survivors of a small village's volcano attack.
  • Seul Contre Tous

    Seul Contre Tous
    After the release of his 1991 short film "Carne", Gaspar released his debut feature film, "I Stand Alone", as a follow up to "Carne". This is Gaspar's least popular film, due to the fact that it is only available on DVD and Blu Ray. Gaspar recently mentioned a chance of remastering Seul Contre Tous.
  • Je Suis Si Mince

    Je Suis Si Mince
    After the release of his debut feature film, "I Stand Alone", Noé directed his first music video, Arielle Burgelin's music video "Je Suis Si Mince". Gaspar used multiple techniques in this video that he continued to use in his career, such as a God's Eye camera and long takes. Gaspar also directed three other music videos in his career, including a music video for Animal Collective and two songs by the French electronic artist SebastiAn.
  • Le Temps Detruit Tous

    Le Temps Detruit Tous
    Although Gaspar's debut feature film was "Seul Contre Tous", he didn't become a recognizable figure until the release of his experimental psychological thriller "Irreversible". It's known as one of the most disturbing movies ever made, and people left the theater in waves when the movie first premiered at the Cannes Film Festival. The first sentence spoken and the last sentence written is "Time Destroys Everything".
  • Enter the Void

    Enter the Void
    Gaspar's next movie, Enter the Void, is also his most well known piece of work. Noé describes it as a "Psychedelic Melodrama", and his inspiration for the movie came from an experience that he had while he was on shrooms. "Enter the Void" is widely regarded as a cult classic and as one of the most original movies of the 21st Century.
  • Love

    In 2015, Gaspar released his most polarizing movie since "Irreversible", "Love". Both critics and fans of Gaspar's previous work were divided on how they felt, with a lot of people criticizing the amount of unsimulated sex. The film has started to gain a cult following, like all of his work. "Love" was Gaspar's first and last movie that was shot in 3D.
  • Climax

    Gaspar's newest full length movie, Climax, is currently his most acclaimed. The movie didn't have a script or a single professional actor or actress, other than Sofia Boutella. Everything, other than the basic premise, was improvised by the cast on set. According to Noé, promoting the movie took twice or three times as long as the movie itself took to make.
  • Lux Æterna

    Lux Æterna
    Gaspar's newest project, Lux Æterna, premiered at the Cannes Film Festival this year. The project is currently seeking distribution, and the only people who have seen it are those who went to Cannes. Many people apparently left the theater, due to the fact that the last 20 minutes of the project is flashing strobelights, with ambulances waiting outside the theater.