I was born!
My little sister, Amanda, was born
I started preschool
My first playdate with my first bestfriends
First day of kindergarden
Saw my first crush for the first time
Started playing basketball
I learned to ride a bike
Danced in front of peers for the first time in school talent show
I met Haley Babcock. one of my very best friends
My brother, Aj, moved out to start a life of his own
Started Track and Field for my first season
My first kiss
(not really from a dog:)) -
My Godfather and Uncle, Bud, passed away
Met one of my best friends, Amy.
Dad moved out
Met Kevin Black
I got my first car
Graduated from Stevenson High School
Started College
Kissed Kevin Black for the first time
My husband Kein dies
I wil graduate from college and become an RN
Starts first job as Registered Nurse
I will start my BSN Completion
I will get married to Kevin Black
I have my first child, A boy named Charles
I give birth to twins, Bella and Charolltte
I pass away