Timeline Project

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    Timeline Project

  • German Invasion of Poland

    German Invasion of Poland
    Germany invaded Poland on September 1st 1939. Within weeks of the invasion Poland's army was defeated. Germany invaded with more than 2000 tanks and 1000 airplanes. Germany made advances towards Warsaw Poland and by September 27th Warsaw surrendered to the Germans. On September 3rd France and Britain declared war on Germany after Germany's invasion on the Polish. This signifies the beggining of World War II. As a result the war began and France and Britain engaged in battle with Germany.
  • Battle of Britain Continued

    The Battle of Britain was significant becase it showed how Britain was persistant agains't Germany and would not surrender to them after all the bombs being dropped on them. The outcome was that Britain did not fall and Germany could not take them down.
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    German and British air forces clashed over the United Kingdom. This was the largest sustained bombing to date. Even after days and days of bombing on Britain, Britain would not surrender to the Germans. This is the reason why Britain did not fall to the German invasion becasue of their persistant effort. The battle of Britain was over when Germany’s Luftwaffe failed to win the air over Britain. Even after months of targeting Britain’s air bases they could not beat the British
  • Operation Barbarossa- Russia

    Operation Barbarossa- Russia
    Germany invades Russia with over 3 million troops. This was the most powerful invasion force in history. More than 3,000 german tanks and 2,000 aircraft pushed into Russia. These troops went across the thousand mile front while Hitler and other troops crossed on a second front. This goes agains't the signed "pact" between Germany and Russia, that there was a line where there would be no interfierence between the two countries. The result of this was a huge German loss of life.
  • Operation Barbarossa continued

    The Germans were led deep into Russia and were not well prepared ending in mass loss of life. Also Russia planned for them to keep advancing so they had the advantage of getting the Germans to a spot where they could defeat them. This is significant because it shows how Germany broke the pact to not invade Russia.
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    Battle of Moscow- Russia

    This was a German invasion with the code name Operation Typhoon. The operation was carried out to take out Moscow. He wanted to do so so that when it fell Russia would all collapse and no longer be a issue or a threat. This invasion was won by the Russians. They were able to hold off the German forces and win the battle.
  • Battle of Stalingrad, Russia

    Battle of Stalingrad, Russia
    This was the turning point of World War II. This battle left Germany very low on troops and in full retreat out of Russia. There was no regard for people dieing in this battle and that is why it is the bloodiest in the history of warfare. The death tole reached nearly 2 million people. The outcome of this battle was that it damaged Germany's military because of the massive loss of troops in this one battle.This was significant because of the pure amount of troups lost in one battle in Russia.
  • Battle of Kursk, Russia

    Battle of Kursk, Russia
    This was a battle between Germany and the Soviet forces on the eastern front. This was the costliest day in aerial history at the time.This was Germany's final offensive push in the east.The battle of Kursk was last real sucess in the war. This was Germany's way of trying to shorten their lines by eliminating the Kursk Salient.
  • D-Day France

    D-Day France
    At 6:30 AM that morning US, British and Canadian troops landed on the beaches of Normandy and France. More than 130,000 allied troups landed on five different beaches. The night before 23,000 US and British paratroopers landed in France behind the German troops. This ended in troops regaining control of France. This is significant because this was the beginning to the end of Germanys reign of terror.
  • Battle of the Bulge- Lux/Belgium

    Battle of the Bulge- Lux/Belgium
    This battle was fought in the mountain area of France, Luxemburg, and Belgium towards the end of WWII. Several hundred thousand German troops pushed through the weekly guarded border of France. The Germans only made it 50 miles inland before they were slowed. 10 days later the German push was halted. That same day US armored troops came in and finished the battle. The outcome was a loss for Germany.
  • Battle of Berlin

    Battle of Berlin
    On this day it just about marked the end of World War II. The Red Army pushed across Poland and stormed into Germany heavily out numbering the Germans. Germany with only around 500,000 troops and Russia with nearly 1.6 million. Germany fell quickly to Russia's push. Russia becoming the victor.
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    Hiroshima and Nagaski bombing- Japan

    This was the United States taking action on Japan. After a long race to complete a nucleur weapon the US was first to develop the nuclear bomb. They dropped the bombs on these two places. WIthin two-four months of the bomb being dropped 90,000–166,000 people where dead in Hiroshima. In Nagaski 60,000–80,000 were killed.The outcome of this was Japan's decision to surrender to the allied forces. This is significant because it show's what lengths we had to go to to get Japan to finally give up.