African Americans went to the north to find jobs and escape racism.(the Great migration). This was because all of the white people left there jobs to go find in WAr World 1 -
18th amendment
the 18th amendment was in action to make alcohol illegal.Women and church groups wanted the ellimination of alcohol. it had only lasted 13 years. -
19th amendment
the 19th amendment passed. Gives the women the right to vote. susan B. anthony pushed for its passing playing a key role in this act. -
emergency quota
the emergency quota was passed which limited immagration to 3% annually of any race already living in the United States. in response to the immagrants in europe fleeing to america making less competition. -
immigration act
the immigration act of 1924 it limited immigration to 2% in the U.S which was a good immigration act. this symbolizes our national identity of proctecting our native values. -
stock market
first day the stock market started to crash this was because speculative buying people were selling them for like 40% more then there worth. many banks closed from making bad investments. -
Black thursday
this was the day biggest day in the stock market losses.they thought it was the start of the end of the world. this lead to stock regulations because only about 10% of the people getting rich while the rest collapsed under the economic weight. -
F.D.R elected president he was elcted to bring the U.S out of the Great deppresion. he started this by putting new deal policies and having people to go back to work.while providing safety nets for those in need. -
21st amendment
F.D.R passed the 21st amendment. which eliminated prohibition. also stated that taxes be payed for buying alcohol. -
state of economy
worsed the economy has ever been unemployment was 25%. Half of all banks closed. Also millions lost everything. -
hoover dam opens
this was all part of the new deal project. it had help put 5,000 people to work. Also provided electrivity to las vegas, los angeles. -
G.I bill of Rights
part of F.D.R's second new deal. Garanteed benefits to soldiers. Free education, cheep housing loans, this bill is still in effect today.