timeline progect

By 84073
  • 9/11

    9/11 Was multiple terrorist attacks in the U.S. but the most known was the twin towers. The attacks claimed the lives of 2,996 people.
  • The day I was born

    The day I was born
    I was born on August seconed in the provo hospital. And I was born really early in the morning.
  • Hurricane Katrina

    Hurricane Katrina
    Hurricane Ktrina was a very big hurricane that caused alot of damage. And caused the deaths of 1,836 people.
  • 49ers vs Ravens in superbowl

    49ers vs Ravens in superbowl
    I rememer watching the superbowl with my family. And feeling really excited and thinking the 49ers would win because they are my favorite team the watching them lose and being really sad.
  • brother was born

    brother was born
    I rememer when my brother was born because he was born in the payson hospital then life flighted to the timpanogas hospital because he was born too early.
  • Superbowl 50

    Superbowl 50
    I remember going to my grandmas to watch the Superbowl with all my cousins. And thinking it was cool to see the 50th Superbowl ever.
  • vacation to Hawaii

    vacation to Hawaii
    I remember our familys vacation to hawaii because we went with all our cousins and it was very recent. We all had alot of fun and will remember it forever.
  • first day of 8th grade

    first day of 8th grade
    I remember the first day of 8th grade because it was really recent and I got to see all my friends again