Ak wwtp1

Timeline of WWII

  • The Treaty of Versailles

    The Treaty of Versailles
    The Treaty of Versailles was signed on June 28, 1919 in the Hall of Mirrors in the Palace of Versailles in Paris, and was the peace settlement between Germany and the Allied Powers that officially ended World War I. Clemenceau, Lloyd George, and Wilson were present. The Treaty was signed to prevent another WWI. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrYhLNQMRro
  • Saar Plebiscite

    Saar Plebiscite
    The Saar Plebiscite was a vote in which the Saar was returned to Germany from France. It took place in the Saar. This vote was on the 13th of January 1935, and included two judges from Italy and Holland, a professor from the US, and citizens of the Saar. It was held because while many people supported the action, others still wanted to be part of Nazi Germany. Citizens voted the way we would do today.
  • The Introduction of Conscription

    The Introduction of Conscription
    Conscription is a system in which every man had to serve in the army, navy, or air force. It was introduced to Nazi Germany in 1936. It included all men of age to serve. This happened party because Hitler wanted to reoccupy the Rhineland, and partly because Hitler wanted his citizens to be prepared for war. Hitler announced this, and his people followed.
  • Anschluss

    This is a proposal/invasion Hitler made on March 1938 to join with Austria, because Hitler wanted to violate the Treaty, which forbade him to do this. Hitler was present, along with his army. This took place in Germany, the Austria-Germany border, and Austria. Hitler's Nazi soldiers stormed right into Austria! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wPwSnxMT0hU
  • The Munich Agreement

    The Munich Agreement
    This was an agreement signed on September 1938 that allowed Hitler to take the Sudetenland, as long as he didn't invade Czechoslovakia. Chamberlain and Hitler were both present at the signing, which was located at Munich. It "had" to be signed as Great Britain was not yet prepared for war with Germany, and because the Treaty was quite harsh on Germany. Chamberlain and leaders of other countries, including Hitler, discussed this together. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKA-lhWFbsE
  • The Invasion of Czechoslovakia

    The Invasion of Czechoslovakia
    On March 1939, Hitler's armies invaded the rest of Czechoslovakia, breaking the Munich Agreement. They did this because Hitler believed that these countries are all part of "Greater Germany". This German troops stormed into Czechoslovakia without any trouble. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSe1Yuk0jsc
  • The Nazi-Soviet Pact

    The Nazi-Soviet Pact
    This is an agreement the Nazis and the Soviets signed, on August 1939, to keep peace between the two countries. Ribbentrop and Molotov were also present at the signing, although Hitler himself wasn't. Hitler wanted to sign this because he thought that he could finish the Soviet Union after France and Britain. Stalin wanted to because he wanted to prove that Soviet Russia is more useful as allies than enemies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cYN2QsEzv8
  • Invasion of Poland

    Invasion of Poland
    On September 1939, Hitler invaded Poland with his armies. Hitler justifies his actions by saying that there are German speakers in Poland, and Poland should be part of Greater Germany. The Germans stormed right across the Polish border, with their new ally, Soviet Russia, assisting them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNOqSSP1o94
  • Birth of Athena Ke

    Birth of Athena Ke
    Athena Ke was born on August 8, 2005, to her parents. She was the first sperm to reach her mother's egg during fertilisation, and, as a result, became the baby.