Timeline of who I am

  • Birth

    I was born to Karen and Mark Bradley on November 27th, 2000.
  • First Loss

    First Loss
    When I was six my grandfather past away. It was the first time I had ever experienced a death in the family and it was really hard.
  • First Cruise

    First Cruise
    I found out I really love traveling during my first cruise, and this is when I decided this was my favorite way to travel
  • Started School- Elementary School Edition

    Started School- Elementary School Edition
    I went to Elementary School at Kingston Elementary and got my basic education. This was my first time at a public school and I made my first group of friends.
  • Started School pt.2- Middle School Edition

    Started School pt.2- Middle School Edition
    I went to middle school at Lynnhaven Middle School for three of the most cringe worthy years of my life.
  • Joined Girl Scouts

    Joined Girl Scouts
    I joined girl scouts this year and found out that I liked selling things and persuading people to buy them. Both my parents worked in sales at the time, so I guess it was in the genes. I would soon quit after about two years but I enjoyed it while I was a part of the organization.
  • Accepted to the Legal Studies Academy

    Accepted to the Legal Studies Academy
    I was accepted into the Academy where I would spend high school and delve into my passion for Law and the study of it. This academy would spark my interest to have a law related major in college and want a career in the field.
  • Started School pt.3- High School Edition

    Started School pt.3- High School Edition
    I started school at the Legal Studies Academy at First Colonial High School where I'd spend the next four years and find one of my biggest passions in life, law.
  • Joined High School Theatre

    Joined High School Theatre
    By the end of my Freshman year I really wanted to join some clubs at my High School, so I decided to audition for the Spring Musical, Cinderella. I was casted and pretty much did every show until I graduated.
  • First Car!

    First Car!
    On Christmas Eve my parents gave me a contract to make my dad's old car my car!
  • First Job

    First Job
    My first job was as Waitstaff at the retirement home my grandparents lived in. It was a great starter job and I loved being able to see my family so much and learn how to deal with the public on a smaller scale.
  • New Job

    New Job
    I left my job at the retirement home a year after I started for my new job at California Pizza Kitchen. It was time for a change and I was ready to move into a job that was a bit more separated from my family.
  • Elected as a Virginia Thespian Officer

    Elected as a Virginia Thespian Officer
    This role as a Virginia Thespian Officer would probably be one of the things that has affected me most greatly in my life. I was afforded countless opportunities to attend conferences on Arts advocacy and perform on stages including our very own as a High schooler.
  • Graduated High School

    Graduated High School
    After four long years, I graduated from my High School with an advanced studies diploma, six seals of excellency, and a GPA above a 4.0. The work was hard but most certainly worth it.
  • Traveled Overseas

    Traveled Overseas
    I was fortunate enough to have had the opportunity to travel to Europe the summer after my senior year. I visited Italy, France, Monaco, and Spain. Each was equally as beautiful and life changing and I will treasure this trip for my life.
  • Started School pt.4- College Edition

    Started School pt.4- College Edition
    I started College at Virginia Tech! This was both exciting and scary because I didn't have an established friend group like I did going to different schools before now.
  • First Pet

    I hope to get my own dog/ cat by now.
  • Graduate College

    I hope to graduate college in 2023 with my political science degree
  • First Apartment/ Space

    Live alone in an area close to where I attend Law School
  • Start Law School

    I hope to be attending a prestigious law school in the D.C. area