Timeline Of Video Games

By SToor
  • Period: to

    The Creation of Video Games

    This was the time period when games were first coming to be. After this time, games became much more popular and had many more types of games.
  • OXO

    This was one of the earliest video game that came to be. It was created by a British professor called A.S. Douglas. This was a game similar to tic-tac-toe and was played on a computer.
  • Tennis for Two

    Tennis for Two
    This was considered the first game ever made and brought interest to computer games. This game was about tossing a ball over a line back and forth like tennis.
  • SpaceWars

    This was a game where you are in a ship fighting another with your ship. This made it so, it was one of the most groundbreaking games created for that time, as no one had done that before. It was made by a group of MIT students, who were led by Steve Russel in Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
  • Start of The Arcade Era

    Start of The Arcade Era
    Arcades started becoming more of a thing, which means video games were becoming something that people enjoyed doing.
  • Bushnell Games

    Bushnell Games
    Bushnell was trying to make a game, which will be enjoyed by everyone. He first created a game called computer space, which was like space wars, but was too complex and not enjoyable. He later went on to create pong (an arcade ping-pong game), which was a hit with people, and it started to show up everywhere. He went on to create Atari, with his partner, Ted Dabney.
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    Creation of Pong

    Pong was a revolutionary video game, this helped completely changed how video games were played forever. It was very popular with people and was an instant hit. This led to many more games being made by Atari.
  • Atari Creating Pong at Home

    Atari Creating Pong at Home
    Atari was one of the first companies to create a video game that can be played at home without any issues. This pong was just as popular as arcade pong and sold 150 thousand in one year alone.
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    The Crash of Video Game

    This happened from there being too much competition in the video game market, as there were games being made on consoles and on computers. This led to badly made games and rushed games, which were overhyped. This made many companies go bankrupt, until Nintendo ended it with the NES.
  • The Nintendo Entertainment System

    The Nintendo Entertainment System
    After Nintendo became a company, they released the NES, which was a console that is used at home. This was also a system that gave many famous games and characters like Super Mario Bros, Donkey Kong, and the Legend of Zelda. This system came to the US in 1985, where it was able to change everything.
  • The Improvement of Home Gaming Systems

    The Improvement of Home Gaming Systems
    Over time the home system video games got better and better, branching off to handheld gaming with the Nintendo DS or making it, so there is better sound, graphics, and better games. It seems that home gaming returned, stronger than ever.
  • Rise of PC Games

    Rise of PC Games
    PC games started to become more popular, this was because of there being better software and hardware that can run better games than the old games like Pac man. This was also because of the recent increase in gamers.
  • The Start of the First Console War

    The Start of the First Console War
    The first ever console war was between Nintendo and Sega, which were both trying to overshadow the other with their new consoles and new games. In the end, Nintendo won by a long shot,
  • 3D Gaming

    3D Gaming
    Video games started to be in 3D, giving a better experience while playing. Unlike 2D, which didn't have an immersive feel. This happened with Nintendo and Sega, as both produced 64-bit games which were 3D, alongside consoles to run those games.
  • Pokemon

    Pokémon is very important to the history of video games, as it was one of the reason that we started getting hand held consoles. This is because of how popular Pokémon got, which made it, so people wanted to buy the consoles and wanted more. This went on to make Nintendo start making handheld consoles more than normal consoles.
  • The Playstation 2

    The Playstation 2
    This was one of the most bought console as it was the first console that can you can use DVDs on, which means you could watch movies, watch recorded videos, and more. This went on to be very popular to kids and adults due to it being cheaper than a normal DVD player and having games.
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    Modern Gaming

    This was the start of modern gaming with the Xbox 360, PS3, and the Nintendo Wii. This is much closer to how systems are today, as games have gotten more developed and popular.
  • The Nintendo Wii

    The Nintendo Wii
    This was a very big console for Nintendo, as it was one of the most popular consoles it made. The Wii was known for being a fun console that you can do many things on like playing sports, playing games with your family, and playing games like Super Mario galaxy.
  • The Newer Consoles

    The Newer Consoles
    The Xbox One and PlayStation 4 were amazing system that lasted for 10 years before getting newer ones. This was because of both of the consoles being very powerful and being able to run many games.
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    Present Gaming/Systems

    Present day, we have 3 types of gaming systems at the top. This is the Xbox Series X, PS5, and the Nintendo Switch. These are all very good for gaming, and maybe even as good as a PC. Something cool about the PS5 is how much stronger it is than the other consoles, but the others have many things that the PS5 does not have.
  • Nintendo Switch

    Nintendo Switch
    This is the most well known console in the world. This is because of many fun games it has that are only on it. It is also famous because of it being the first handheld consoles that can also be used as the normal TV console.
  • Consoles Being Very Strong

    Consoles Being Very Strong
    As time went on these consoles are getting stronger and stronger and right now we have very good consoles like the PS5 and Xbox Series X. These overthrow any other console ever made and is much superior to any other system.