Timeline of using fossil fuel

  • 500

    Start burning coal

    People in Britain run out of fire wood, start burning coal
  • 1000

    miner dig deep, goes to the water

  • 1000

    Use up coal on the ground

  • Coal burning steam engine was invented

    Samuel Newcomen invents the stem engine to pump out water so miners can keep digging.
  • Industrial revolution begin

  • James Watt improved steam engine

    So it is practical for other use
  • Rails was invented.

    Rails make mining easier
  • Nicola tesla invented alternating current

  • company start mining coal to generate electricity

  • Invented railroad

    Combine rail and steam engine
  • First electric Motor

    Invented by Michael Faraday
  • Assembly line invented

  • Alternating Current was invented

    By Nicola tesla
  • Company start burning coal

    For generating electricity
  • Drill the first rock oil

    By Edwin Drake in Pennsylvania
  • Builds an automobile running on petroleum

    Invented by Gottlieb Daimler
  • Advertising executives invent consumerism

    soak up overproduction
  • Wright brothers start oil fueled aviation.

  • Using Fossil fuels to make fertilizer

    Fritz Haber and Carl Bosch
  • fertilizer invented

  • World War 1

    Fossil fuels conflict
  • World War 2

  • invented consumerism to soak up overproduction

  • Guided Missiles and atom bomb

  • tv invented, solve overproduction

  • start thinking about enviornment

  • Television invented

  • An oil shock. Environmental movement is born

  • Oil price down

  • Personal Computer invented

  • Cold War.

    Politicians decide the market will solve everything
  • more product in China

  • cell phone, oil production stalls out