Civil War Impact
The conversation started about individuals with disibilities during the Civil War era because of the lack of education and services for people with disabilities. -
1st assistance provided to disabled children
This is the first documented case of disabled students being helped because of their disability. -
Council for Exceptional Children
This council was developed to advocate for all children with disabilities. -
1st Education Class
In 1931 the first law was set that required the educating of a-typical children, thus being the start of the special education classes. -
Brown vs Board of Education
This case ends segregation for all which gives a huge segway for equal access to all students with or without a disability. -
Education of the Handicap Act
Because the states realized there was so many more children with disabilities than even being identified, they came up with a law that started the conversation around what are the different severities of disability, how and who will be serviced, will individuals with a minor disability be guaranteed as many services as a student with a severe disability. This was a great law that started deeper conversations around disability services. -
What is FAPE?
This is when the supreme court first addressed the definition of a free and appropriate education(FAPE). This court case was one of the pivotal moments which started to re-define what our education system looks like today. -
IDEA is one of, if not the most famous, turning points in public education history. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). This law emphasized the importance of a free and appropriate education for ALL children. y6t -
Gifted and Talented
Gifted and Talented was defined to include in the exceptional child. Not only did the laws protect children with disabilities but now also children that are gifted. -
Early Intervention
Early intervention was put into law that gave access to all children under the age of three. This included the services to support behavioral and academic needs. Early intervention services include occupational therapy, physical therapy, academic support and speech therapy. -
No Child Left Behind
No Child Left Behind (NCLB) was brought into law in coordination with IDEA to ensure all children were literate, or receive the support to help catch them up by third grade. This law dedicated money to education for these goals and even more money for low income, poor performing schools. It also penalized schools if they did not show improvement growth for all students. This part of the law is what made NCLB controversial.