Birth of a nation
The birth of a nation showing the ku klux klan killing and beating black people and showing the worst and how blacks suffered in the pass -
Brown versus the Board of Education
The government sperate the segerion in the school stem make it it wee whites and blacks could go to the same schools and -
The busss boy caught
Rasa parks got tierd nd she got rested for not setting in the back of the buss and then it inspired. Mlk would do the buss boy caught casing the busses lose there most customers of of the buss makeing a new policy casing them to sit eny were they want to. -
The Little Rock nine
The lintel rock nine were a group of one of the first black kids to ever go to a all white school causing a out rage from every one that was involuntary and they fight foe that school casing the nation guard to be called to protect the kids -
The green row sit in
The green bros sit in was a peaceful protest. The protest was blacks siting in a white caffee booths were they were meant with a ranger and fight but they just sat there were arrested and taking to jail. -
The greeddome riders
The freedom rider were a group of black teen were the gool was to ride the buss all acros the country but when they got Alabama the popo told the kkk to get them and the buss was burnt but luckily the riders were let off -
The march on Washington
The march on Washington was one of the biggest and people the most impactful speeches ever to be said and spoken in history were mlk gave his i have a dream speech were proclaimed that he wanted every one to be free -
The cicle rights act of 1964
After years of fighting they finely have the ability to eat at a wight bar or go to the good side of the park and there was an out cry on not anger but of joy make it them truly free in the use government eyes