Thomas kuhn 2

Timeline of Thomas Kuhn

  • Birth of Kuhn

    Birth of Kuhn
    Thomas Kuhn was born on July 18, 1922 in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. His father Samuel Louis Kuhn worked as a industrial engineer and investment consultant. His mother Minette Kuhn came from a wealthy family and worked as a freelance editor.
  • Harvard University

    Harvard University
    In the fall of 1940 Thomas Kuhn traveled to Cambridge Massachusetts to attend the University of harvard. There he would work towards his undergraduate degree and his masters in Physics.
  • Kuhn Ph.D.

    Kuhn Ph.D.
    In 1949 Kuhn completed his doctorate in physics from Harvard University. His dissertation contained research on theoretical solid-state physics. He expressed a large interest in philosophy and history and wanted to be a philosopher of science by doing history of science.
  • Professor years at Harvard

    Professor years at Harvard
    From 1948-1956 Thomas Kuh. taught as a professor at Harvard University. Here Kuhn taught science for undergraduates in the humanities, as part of the General Education in Science curriculum. In 1956 Kuhn was denied his tenure because the committee at the time felt his book on the Copernican revolution was too popular in its approach and analysis.
  • The Copernican Revolution

    The Copernican Revolution
    In 1957 Kuhn published his first book titled, "The Copernican Revolution". The book when in depth on the importance between man and the natural world and makes connections that the Copernican revolution was not only a revolution of scientific theory, but of religious, and conceptual thought.
  • The Structure of Scientific Revolutions

    The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
    In 1962 Kuhn published one of his most famous book titled "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions". His publishing introduced the world to the concept of a paradigm. Ashift from a well accepted theory to a new one in which scientist use to base their studies and build off of. His work developed a new understanding within the scientific community on changes throughout time within scientific knowledge.
  • Time at Berkeley

    Time at Berkeley
    Being denied his tenured from Harvard Kuhn moved to California where he would teach as a professor and be apart of the academic faculty at the university of Berkeley from 1956-1964. There he taught more on the history of science within the philosophy department and was able to enrich his studies with his colleagues leading him to one of his most famous books titled "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions."
  • Time of Death

    Time of Death
    In June of 1996 Thomas Kuhn died in the city of Cambridge Massachusetts. The city in which he attended harvard as a student and later teach the history and philosophical view within science.
  • Major works

    Major works
    Kuhn Thomas S. The Copernican Revolution : Planetary Astronomy in the Development of Western Thought. Harvard University Press 1957. Kuhn, Thomas S. (Thomas Samuel), 1922-1996, author. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Chicago :University of Chicago Press, 1970. Kuhn, Thomas S. (Thomas Samuel), 1922-1996. The Essential Tension : Selected Studies in Scientific Tradition and Change. Chicago :University of Chicago Press, 1977.
  • Youtube

    The following links to videos help to provide more information on the works of thomas kuhn.