timeline of the us hystory

  • George Washington

    George Washington
    He was the first President of the USA and a commander of the Army. He was one of the founding fathers of our country.
  • Benedict Arnold

    Benedict Arnold
    He was a officer in the US military during the American revolution. Highly favored by George Washington. Then he traded sides and became a British Solder and died in London.
  • Thomas Jefferson

    Thomas Jefferson
    He was a man born on April 13, 1743. He wrote the Deceleration of Independence.
  • Alexander Hamilton

    Alexander Hamilton
    His birth date is either 1755 or 1757. The year is not stated. He was one of the founding fathers of the USA. He helped create the nation's financial system.
  • Marquis De Lafaytte

    Marquis De Lafaytte
    He came over to the US and helped George Washington win the American Revolution. He was very good friends with President Washington
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    It forbid any colonist to expand territories westward from where they are.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    The British came to control the people and then a fight broke out and five colonist were dead.
  • The Boston tea party

    The Boston tea party
    The people were mad about the tea act so the dumped tea into the harbor
  • The Boston masacer

    The Boston masacer
    The British came to control the people and a fight broke and five colinest were dead
  • The first contenetiol congress

    The first contenetiol congress
    12 of the 13 colonies meet together to decler indipenndence
  • Lexington and concord

    Lexington and concord
    Paul river was sent to concord to warn the people of a British attack
  • The secount continental congress

    The secount continental congress
    It was a convention a deligans from the 13 colonies
  • Common sense

    Common sense
    A book written to make people fight for government
  • Bunker Hill

    Bunker Hill
    One of the American Bases during the war that was taken over by the British.
  • The olive branch petition

    The olive branch petition
    It was a last effort for the American colonies to send to King George to avoid going to war. The American colonies wanted to compromise.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    Thomas Jefferson wrote the declaration of indipendence to decler independence
  • Battle of Trenton

    Battle of Trenton
    Washington crosses the Delaware river with his army. Then he surprised attacks the German soldiers and then captures a whole bunch of Germans and they won the war.
  • Valley Fordge

    Valley Fordge
    The location where President George Washington took his army to rest for six months while fighting against the British.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Battle of Saratoga
    British General John Burgoyne led a British army to find more British solders up near Saratoga New York. That failed when he ran into Americans and had to surrender.
  • The battle of Yorktown

    The battle of Yorktown
    The battle of Yorktown was a battle were the British serendered and made peace with amarica
  • The treaty of Paris

    The treaty of Paris
    The treaty of prais is a treaty that ended the amarican revolution