French flag

Europe 1848-1871

By rjn3
  • Belgian Independence

    Belgian Independence
    The Belgians became upset that they were under Dutch control and revolted against them. The revolt was successful and they became a constitutional state.
  • Polish Revolution

    Polish Revolution
    Polish officers, students, and workers revolted, staging the uprising in 1830. They were quickly and brutally crushed by Russian forces.
  • First French Revolution

    First French Revolution
    In 1830 Louis XVIII died and was replaced by Charles X. Charles, an absolutionist tightened his rule on the country. Angry citizens threw up barricades in the streets and Charles decided to flee to England.
  • February Days

    February Days
    During the,"February Days", the French government took measures to silence the media. This action made the French people revolt agaisnt the government.
  • The June Days

    The June Days
    After the first revolt, the government leaned towards the upper-middle class. The new government shut down the national workshops and French workers took to the streets. The French government turned violently on the workers and 1,500 poeple were killed.
  • Louis Napoleon becomes President

    Louis Napoleon becomes President
    By late 1848 the national assembly had created a new constitution. This time 9 million Frenchman could vote.
  • Austrian Revolt

    Austrian Revolt
    In 1848-1849, the Austrian people became tired of Metternich's rule and revolted. Metternich fled the country during the revolts. Some hungarian nationalists led by Louis Kassuth demanded a constitution. The revolt was then crushed by the austrian army.
  • Italian Revolts

    Italian Revolts
    Revolts spread across the Italian peninsula, forming small libertarian republics. The Italian army retook the peninsula and put the pope back in power.
  • Germanic Revolution

    Germanic Revolution
    Germanic university students wanted a republic. The Prussians forced the Germanic king to accept a contitution.
  • Napoleon III Establishes the Second Empire

    Napoleon III Establishes the Second Empire
    In 1852 Napoleon III pronounced himself Emperor of France. Napoleon let the French people vote him into power with a 90% approval rate.