Battle at Lexington
Colonists were awaiting the British in Boston. The Redcoats eventually ran into 70 minutemen, when shots were fired. 8 Minutemen we're killed and 10 were wounded, while one redcoat was injured. The battle only lasted 15 minutes. -
Battle at Concord
The Redcoats continued to march on and ran into 3,000-4,000 minutemen. The battle was very bloody, the Redcoats eventually turned back around. -
Bunker Hill
While in Boston, the British general Thomas Gage sent 2,400 soldiers to battle against the Colonists. The Colonists held their ground and lost 450 men while the British lost over 1,000 men. The Battle of Bunker Hill was the deadliest battle of the War. -
New York
During the Summer of 1776 the British had plans of overtaking and seizing New York. British had arrived into the New York Harbor with 32,000 soldiers. -
They wanted an early victory so Washington risked everything on Christmas night 1776. In the storm he led 2,400 men in small rowboats across the icy Delaware river -
In September of 1777, they captured the American capital at Philadelphia. -
General Burgoyne was walking through the wilderness when he realized that his other troops were off at Philadelphia and weren’t going to be able to meet with him. Suddenly American Troops surrounded Burgoyne and he surrendered. It was also discovered that the French were secretly helping the British troops. After being discovered and realizing their side was losing the war they wanted to join alliances with America. -
Valley Forge
The french signed an alliance with the Americans in February 1778 and openly joined them in their fight. Washington and his Continental Army fought to stay alive at winter camp in Valley Forge. -
Marquis De Lafayette
A foreign military leader who offered them help. He lobbied France for French reinforcements in 1779, and led a command in Virginia in the last years of the war. -
Despite the several defeats, in 1781 the colonists continued to battle Cornwallis. The British general then chose to move the fight to Virginia. He led his army of 7,500 onto the peninsula between the James and York rivers and camped at Yorktown. Later on October 19, 1781 Cornwallis finally surrendered. -
Treaty of Paris
After defeating the British, he Colonist issued the Treaty of Paris. The delegates signed the treaty which granted the United States their independence from Britain. The US was from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mississippi River and from Canada to Florida’s border.