The battle of lexington's is the battle between 70 minutemen and 700 redcoats. When a shot was fired only 8 minutemen were killed and many more injured by the volley of shots by the redcoats and only 1 red coat was killed. The battle was the first revolutionary battle and it lasted only 15 minutes. -
After the battle of lexington the redcoats had then marched onto concord to find a empty arsenal. Soon after there was a small skirmish between the redcoats and the minutemen. But as the redcoats line up to march back to boston they were then ambushed by between 3,000 and 4,000. The redcoats had started to be killed by the dozen, and after the bloody humiliation, the redcoats had made their way back to boston. -
Bunker Hill
on june 17, 1775 british general thomas gage had sent 2,400 troops to breed’s hill (which is bunker hill). As the british advance up the hill the minutemen had held their fire until the right moment. As the moment came the minutemen had then started to mow down the advancing redcoats. Once the smoke from shot had cleared there were only 450 colonial troops killed and while the british had suffered 1,000 casualties. -
New York
British sailed to new york summer of 1776. To capture it, to stop the rebellion. They sailed with a force of 32,000 troops and with german mercenaries, also called hessians. But with the untrained and poorly armed soldiers of the continental army trying to defend. They so were pushed out of new york and across the delaware river into pennsylvania. -
general Washington had began a bold move on the christmas of 1776, he sailed across the frigid cold river of delaware to trenton new jersey and defeated a garrison of hessians with a surprise attack. But when the british regroup they soon captured the capital at philadelphia. -
General john Burgoyne had lead an army down a route of lakes from canada to albany. He then met up with british troops as they arrived from new york. But as Burgoyne had moved through forested wilderness. Militiamen and soldiers from the continental army gather from all over new york and new england. But the american troops had surrounded Burgoyne at saratoga. He then surrendered on october 17, 1777. -
Marquis De Lafayette
February 1778. A man named Friedrich Von Steuben trained continental soldiers. But also other foreign military leaders, such as Marquis De Lafayette had trained Continental soldiers. In 1779 Lafayette had also lobbied france to send french reinforcements and led a command in virginia in the last year of the war. But with the foreign help the continental army became an effective fighting force. -
valley foge
With the continental troops low on food and supplies while they fought in valley forge, pennsylvania. There were more than 2,000 men who had died. But the survivors of the battle did not desert at all. They stood their ground and their endurance and suffering filled washington letter to congress and his friends. -
In philadelphia of 1781, A rich merchant named Robert Morris was appointed superintendent of finance. He would then work with Haym salomon to create money to pay for the continental troops. With the troops leaving their wives, it had left most of the women to attend the farm and some of them even went to war. -
In early 1781 a british general named Charles Cornwallis had lead 7,500 troops onto the peninsula between the james and york river, and camped at yorktown. Once Lafayette and Washington had heard word that cornwallis had set up camp in yorktown, they began to make a move on yorktown. In late september about 17,000 french and american troops surrounded yorktown. Then on october 18, 1781, cornwallis had finally surrendered. With the defeat of cornwallis had shocked the world. -
Treaty of Paris
In paris 1782, the negotiating team of the colonist included John Adams, John jay of new york, and Benjamin Franklin. In september 1783, the delegates had signed treaty of paris, which then confirmed U.S independent and set boundaries of the new nation. The United states stretched from the Atlantic ocean to the Mississippi River and from canada border to the Florida Border.