Revolutionary war pictures 9

Timeline of the Revolution

  • Benjamin Franklin

    Benjamin Franklin
    Benjamin Franklin showed leadership when he proposed the Albany Plan of Union. Even though the plan was rejected, it helped with writing the Articles of Confederation.
  • Samuel Adams

    Samuel Adams
    Samuel Adams represented the state of Massachusetts from 1774 to 1781 in the Continental Congress. Adams was also one of the leaders of the Sons of Liberty which was the group responsible for the Boston Tea Party.
  • Patrick Henry

    Patrick Henry
    Patrick Henry served as a delegate to the Continental Congress. He gave the famous "give me liberty or give me death" speech to the Virginia Convention that convinced them to go to war.
  • Battle at Fort Triconderoga (Turning point #1)

    Battle at Fort Triconderoga (Turning point #1)
    Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain Boys seize Fort Triconderoga. This was a turning point because it was the American's first official victory. It also stalled a British invasion from Canada and also allowed the American troops to invade Canada.
  • Spain-America Alliance

    Spain-America Alliance
    Alliance between the countries of Spain and America. Advantages were that they provided supplies to the Americans.
  • Hessian-British Alliance

    Hessian-British Alliance
    Alliance that was made between Germany and Great Britain. An advantage of the alliance is that it add more soldiers to Britains already large army.
  • Thomas Paine

    Thomas Paine
    Thomas Paine wrote a pamphlet called Common Sense so people would realize why we need to seperate from Great Britain.
  • Battle of Moore's Creek Bridge (turning point #2)

    Battle of Moore's Creek Bridge (turning point #2)
    Victory of North Carolina Revolutionary forces over Southern Loyalists. This was a turning point because it helped build political support for the revolution and increased recruitment of additional soldiers into their forces.
  • Battle of Fort Washington (turning point #3)

    Battle of Fort Washington (turning point #3)
    This was a turning point because the British gained the surrender of the entire garrison of Fort Washington.
  • Battle of Trenton (turning point #4)

    Battle of Trenton (turning point #4)
    It was a turning point because the Americans finished the battle in 45 minutes and took 900 Hessians prisoner.
  • Battle of Saratoga (turning point #5)

    Battle of Saratoga (turning point #5)
    It was a turning point because it gave the Americans a decisive victory over the British in the war.
  • George Washington

    George Washington
    George Washington was appointed commander of the Continental Army on June 15, 1775. He is best known for his leadership at Valley Forge.
  • Franco-American Alliance

    Franco-American Alliance
    Alliance that was made between France and America after they signed the Treaty of Alliance. An advantage of the alliance was that the French could attack Britain in Europe which was harder for the Americans to do.