Eddie Mabo was born
Eddie Mabo was born on Murray Island in the Torres Strait Islands on the 29th of June 1936.
Eddie mabo was born around this day, it was not officially recorded.
He was adopted by his uncle and so bore the name Mabo. -
Eddie Mabo came to Australia
He came to Australia in 1957 and then worked odd jobs for several years. -
Eddie Mabo married Bonita Nehow
They married in 1959. -
Eddie Mabo became the secretary of Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander Advancement League
Eddie Mabo created a seminar in Townsville
It was titled, "We the Australians: What is to Follow the Referendum?" -
Eddie Mabo Resigned
He resigned because he felt that people were insensre and quote 'do gooders'. -
Legislation was passed that decreed that the TorresStraight Islanders lost their rights to land when the British settled
The legislation was decreed to be racail discrimination
Eddie Mabo Died
Eddie mabo died on the 21st of January 1992, he died of cancer aged 55.