Timeline of the Key Events that Led to the Overthrow- Jaycelynn Garcia

  • David Kalakaua Elected King

    David Kalakaua Elected King
    David Kalakaua was not born into royalty. When the last of the lineage of King Kamehameha´s had died, Kalakaua had ran in the election for King and had won. He had not won by popular vote, he had won by being elected by the then Hawaiian Legislature.
  • The Reciprocity Treaty

    The Reciprocity Treaty
    The reciprocity treaty of 1875 consisted of an agreement between the Hawaiian Kingdom and United States in which King David Kalakaua had granted only America the special privilege of importing and exporting their goods within the Hawaiian Islands harbors and ports. The treaty was supposed to seem favorable to the Hawaiian trade depending on the sugar. But what the reality of this treaty was the establishment and control of the monopoly the United States had on Hawaii.
  • The Bayonet Constitution

    The Bayonet Constitution
    The Bayonet Constitution was signed by King David Kalakaua while being held at gunpoint. The Bayonet Constitution stripped away much of the Hawaiian monarchy’s power and took away the land rights of native Hawaiians and gave the votes to benefit the foreign landowners instead of natives.
  • The Mckinley Tariff

    The Mckinley Tariff
    The McKinley Tariff was passed in 1890 by the United States Congress, and what it had done was drastically increase the tax rate on foreign products into the country. Business owners benefited and liked this new legislation, but the consumers in the US did not like this because goods prices were increased. Sugar and coffee were on the free list.
  • King David Kalakaua Passed Away

    King David Kalakaua Passed Away
    King David Kalakaua died on January 21, 1891 in San Francisco due to Bright's Disease, which started off as a severe cold at first. King Kalakaua's reign, also known as the Merrie Monarch, was the last king of the Hawaiian kingdom. His successor was his sister Liliʻuokalani who later became queen of Hawaii.
  • Queen Liliuokalani becomes Queen

    Queen Liliuokalani becomes Queen
    After the passing of King David Kalakaua, Queen Liliuokalani his sister was his successor. She became Queen on January 29, 1891. When she took the throne she had aspirations of the Hawaiian monarchy and wanted to rule with no limitations by the powerful businessmen in the high positions that forced her brother at gunpoint to sign the bayonet constitution which stripped away the monarch's powers.
  • The Queens New Constitution

    The Queens New Constitution
    The Queen's New Constitution consisted of giving power back to the monarchy and natives instead of the rich foreigners trying to get in control of the kingdom. Her ministers wouldn’t sign off on the constitution so it was delayed. This constitution basically was giving the rights and beliefs back to her people and kingdom.
  • Queen Liliuokalani placed on House Arrest

    Queen Liliuokalani placed on House Arrest
    After the coup from the group of American businessmen and support of a minister in which Queen Liliuokalani surrendered. Queen Liliuokalani waited patiently for the President of the United States to see it violated the treaty agreement between them and restore her back to her power. Wilcox and a group of others tried to take the buildings back but failed due to the foreign men finding out and they got serving time and had Queen Liliuokalani placed on house arrest for conspiracy of treason.
  • United States annexed Hawai´i

    United States annexed Hawai´i
    President Cleveland of the United States did not want to overthrow the Hawaiian kingdom by force and tried to restore Queen Liliuokalani to her throne. But Sanford Dole and the head of the coup did not want to step aside and instead recognized Hawaii as its own republic. When the Spanish-American War broke out in 1898 the United States congress recognized and passed the annexation of Hawaii because of the use of a naval base at Pearl Harbor.