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Timeline of the Key Events of the Overthrow

  • The Reciprocity Treaty - Part 1

    The Reciprocity Treaty - Part 1
    Major Role Players: King Lunalilo, King David Kalākaua, President Ulysses S. Grant - Explanation:
    In 1873-1874, King Lunalilo made a promise to the U.S. that the U.S. will get access to Pearl Harbor but the Hawaiians did not like the idea so King Lunalilo withdrew. Later on, King Lunalilo withdrew and King Kalākaua became the new king in 1874. King Kalākaua saw the value of a free trade agreement with the U.S. but was still not willing to give Pearl Harbor to the United States.
  • Period: to

    King Kalākaua's reign

    This is when King David Kalākaua was on the throne as king.
  • The Reciprocity Treaty - Part 2

    The Reciprocity Treaty - Part 2
    Explanation (cont.): King Kalākaua traveled to Washington D.C. to address congress. Kalākaua stated that Pearl Harbor would be controlled by Hawaii but the U.S. and Hawaii would still hold a friendly relationship. President Ulysses S. Grant agreed to establish the treaty. The treaty went into action on September 9, 1876, and the free trade agreement between the U.S. went into action.
  • The Bayonet Constitution

    The Bayonet Constitution
    Major Role Players: Lorrin A. Thurston, King David Kalākaua - Explanation:
    King Kalākaua was forced to sign a constitution, held at gunpoint. The constitution said he would lose most of his power in the government, give foreigners the right to vote, and takes away the land rights of the maka´āinana.
  • Wilcox Rebellion of 1888

    Wilcox Rebellion of 1888
    Major Role Players: Robert Wilcox, Queen Lili’uokalani, King David Kalākaua - Explanation:
    Robert Wilcox and other conspirators hid in ´Iolani palace to overthrow King Kalākaua and replace the throne with Queen Lili’uokalani but the plan was discovered less than 2 days before the plan was to be taken action. No one was arrested but Robert Wilcox was exiled from Hawai’i and left for Italy.
  • The McKinley Tariff - Part 2

    The McKinley Tariff - Part 2
    Explanation (cont.):
    Hawaii sugar growers were getting undersold in the American market. The leader of the powerful American sugar growers and the Hawaiian League, Lorrin A. Thurston pushed for the Annexation of Hawaii because he realized that if Hawaii were to be annexed by the United States, the tax problems relating to sugar would come to an end due to Hawaii not being a foreign country anymore.
  • The McKinley Tariff - Part 1

    The McKinley Tariff - Part 1
    Major Role Players: Lorrin A. Thurston, U.S. Congress, Hawaiian Sugar Planters - Explanation:
    In 1890, the United States Congress approved the McKinley Tariff that banned Hawaii’s tax-free sugar trading agreement with the United States. The McKinley Tariff eliminated all raw sugar coming into the U.S. from Hawaii. U.S. sugar growers would receive 2 cents per pound so they could sell their sugar at lower prices than foreign growers, such as Hawaii growers.
  • The Queen's New Constitution - Part 1

    The Queen's New Constitution - Part 1
    Major Role Players: Queen Lili’uokalani, Native Hawaiians, U.S. Government - Explanation:
    After the Bayonet Constitution, Native Hawaiians begged Queen Lili’uokalani for a new Constitution in 1892. So, the Queen tried making a different constitution in 1893. The Constitution they had before (The Bayonet Constitution) stated that if the Queen vetoed any bill and it was repassed by the legislature with a two-thirds majority vote, it would become a law without the Queen’s signature.
  • The Provisional Government by Sanford B. Dole

    The Provisional Government by Sanford B. Dole
    Major Role Players: Sanford Ballard Dole, President Grover Cleveland - Explanation:
    In 1893, Sanford Dole took control of the Hawaiian government and made a provisional government. President Grover Cleveland requested that the queen’s throne should be reinstated but the senate did an investigation and found that the U.S. had nothing to do with the coup d’etat.
  • The Queen's New Constitution - Part 2

    The Queen's New Constitution - Part 2
    Explanation (cont.):
    The 1893 Constitution (The Queen’s New Constitution), states that the Queen would be able to agree or disagree to sign a bill repassed by the legislature with a two-thirds majority vote but the Queen would be the one to make the final say. The Queen would get her power back if her constitution got passed.'s,merchants%20to%20control%20the%20kingdom
  • U.S. Marines Land on Hawaii in support of the American coup - Part 1

    U.S. Marines Land on Hawaii in support of the American coup - Part 1
    Major Role Players: Queen Lili’uokalani, U.S. Marines, U.S. Minister John L. Stevens - Explanation:
    Nearly 200 Marines and sailors arrived in Hawaii on a calm evening on January 16, 1893. The Americans found their way to surround the government buildings with their guns but Queen Lili’uokalani was prepared with a guard of 600 troops carrying guns as well. The Queen didn’t want to harm the Americans so the event happened without a gunshot being fired.
  • US Marines Land on Hawaii in support of the American Coup - Part 2

    US Marines Land on Hawaii in support of the American Coup - Part 2
    Explanation (cont.):
    The actions of the event were illegal and it was not approved by President Benjamin Harris or Congress. Instead, the U.S. minister, John L. Stevens was the one that was behind the plan.
  • Sanford B. Dole declares his government “The Republic of Hawai’i”

    Sanford B. Dole declares his government “The Republic of Hawai’i”
    Major Role Players: Sanford B. Dole, Queen Lili'uokalani - Explanation:
    Sanford Dole announces that his provisional government is the new Republic of Hawai’i. The queen has been imprisoned in a single room in 'Iolani Palace for eight months but she still has some supporters.
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    Queen Lili'uokalani's imprisonment

    This is the time when the Queen was subjected to be locked up in 'Iolani Palace then placed on house arrest at Washington Place.
  • William McKinley is elected

    William McKinley is elected
    Major Role Players: William McKinley - Explanation:
    President William McKinley has been elected on the U.S. mainland and is willing to accept Sanford Dole’s offer on annexing Hawai’i as a U.S. territory because he wants Pearl Harbor as a port as the Mexican-American War was currently happening. The queen is allowed to return to her house but her role on the throne was not reinstated.