
Timeline of the History of FCS

By kfeagan
  • Catherine Beecher

    Catherine Beecher
    Catharine Beecher played a role in the domestic science movement by writing her "Treatise on Domestic Economy" this was the first book recognized by the Department of Education. She was known for opinion about education for women.
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    Family and Consumer sciences formerly known as home economics gave birth to consumer education in 1909 with the founding of the American Home Economics Association. The name was changed later in 1994 to Home Economics.
  • Morrill Act of 1862

    Morrill Act of 1862
    After the First Morrill Act is passed it provided federal lands to the states to be sold to support schools who had programs with agriculture and mechanical arts.
  • Ellen Richards and MIT

    Ellen Richards was named a special student by the school committe and was allowed in but watched closely. At this time she was the first woman to be admitted to the School while she studied chemistry.
  • Ellen Richards

    Ellen Richards
    Ellen Richards is the fist woman to receive a Bachelor of Science at MIT.
  • Carolyn Hunt

    Carolyn Hunt
    Carolyn Hunt obtained her bachelor's degree in 1888 in chemistry. She participated in two different studies of imigration and ethnic populations in Chicago. .
  • Land Grant University

    an institution of higher education like a college or school in the United States made by a state to get the benefits of the Morrill Acts of 1862 and 1890. The colleges in Arkansas who are a part of the Land Grant Universities are University of Arkansas and University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff.
  • Benjamin Thompson

    Benjamin Thompson
    Benjamin Thompson was the first to label nutrition as a science in the late 1800's. He invented the first range with temperature controls. In 1893 the Rumford kitchen at the Chicago World's fair was named after Rumford.
  • School lunch program

    School lunch program
    Beginnings of school lunch program
  • Carl Perkins Act

    The Carl Perkins act was made to increase the type of technical education and individual gets while in the United States and was put in place to help the Americal economy.
  • Lake Placid Conference

    The FCS was named home economics and made a new field of study after much debate.
  • W.O. Atwater

    W.O. Atwater
    Atwater obtained his PhD in chemistry at Yale University. He wrote the nutrition bulletins at Richard's request. Atwater is considered to be the "Father of Nutrition".
  • Family and Consumer Sciences defined

    Family and Consumer Sciences defined
    Family and Consumer Sciences took knowledge and applied it to help women and families make their lives better.
  • Martha Rensselaer

    Martha Rensselaer
    Martha Rensselaer was a professor at Cornell University she attended Lake Placid Conference in 1899. She was the president of AAFCS.
  • Smith Lever act of 1914

    Smith Lever act of 1914
    The Smith-Lever Act created a national Cooperative Extension Service that expanded to different programs through land-grant universities to educate rural American students about changes in agricultural practices and technology.
  • Vocational Education Act of 1963

    Vocational Education Act of 1963
    The Vocational Education Act of 1963 was put in place by Congress to allow new and broadened vocational education programs. This would bring job training to the industrial America and allow the country to grow economically and socially.
  • Vocational Education Act of 1968

    The vocational Education Act of 1968 was ammended to allow the employment of handicapped individuals. It would make changes to allow individuals to be provided vocational evaluation and work adjustment services to people who are disadvantaged by reasons of age, level of vocational attainment, ethnic or other factors.
  • Smith- Hughes Act

    Smith- Hughes Act
    Once the Smith-Hughes Act is passed it allowed federal support for vocational education.
  • Vocational act of 1973

    The vocational act of 1973 supported and protected individuals with disabilities
  • Vocational amendment of 1976

    The vocational amendment of 1976 was changed to allow financial help with devoloping schools and help them to function.
  • Name change to Home economics

    In 1994 the name of FCS was changed to Home economics