Timeline of the Cold War

  • Berlin Airlift

    Berlin Airlift
    A plan constructed by the military to bring food, water, and other essentials to West Berlin. They did this because the Soviets cut off all the roads, trains, and canals which began the Berlin Blockade. A total of 1.5 million supplies were given and a plane went to give more every three minutes, each day and each night.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    Korea was divided into two parts, the USA claiming the south and Russia and China claiming the north. But the North invaded the south, which caused America to intervene. But the Chinese fought back, causing a war to break out.
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    Since the French no longer had any control over Vietnam, North Vietnam decided to build a communist country. America, not wanting to offend France, so the president decided to build terrorism along the south because he had always wanted to reunite Vietnam into one country like it used to be. Meanwhile, the government of South Vietnam was asking the Allies for help.
  • Sputnik Crisis

    Sputnik Crisis
    This all started when the Soviet Union launched the first artificial Earth satellite, but it didn’t go too well with Americans. This was because the orbiting served as a threat. The rocket that launched the satellite could send a nuclear warhead anywhere on the planet.
  • U-2 Incident

    U-2 Incident
    The Soviet Union shot a U.S plane that was in the air. They did this because they believed that the pilot was trying to gain valuable data from the Soviets. Angry, the Soviet Union declared that would not participate in a conference scheduled prior to the incident unless America would put a stop to planes over the Soviet territory, apologized, and punished those who were involved. The U.S.A only agreed to some parts of the agreement, so the conference was postponed.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    A spy plane was flying over Cuba when nuclear missile sites were spotted. Worried that these could easily reach America, Kennedy united a small group called ExComm and they met constantly for two weeks. Protection was enforced all around the country, to naval blockade, milliary to DEFCON 3, ICBMs were ready, submarines were on guard, B-52 bombers were on alert, and so much more.
  • Soviet-Afghan War

    Soviet-Afghan War
    This war lasted a very long time, nine years to be exact. Soviet-led Afghans who fought the war were called mujahideens. Afghans were led by the Soviets because the Soviets likes that they were communists.
  • Perestroika and Glasnost

     Perestroika and Glasnost
    This was the dual program of Mikhail S. Gorbachev which brought significant changes to economic practice, internal affairs, and international relations. This act was so successful that in five years, it ended the Cold War. In fact, this thought changed the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe permanently.
  • Berlin Wall Falls

    Berlin Wall Falls
    A Russian leader named Gorbavech desert Russia’s satellite states. But after all the anti-government protests which were on the edge of violence, he had no choice but to resign. A new leader by the name of Egon Krenz tried to go stop the violence and made sure that travel restrictions were more relaxed.
  • Non-Proliferation treaty

    Non-Proliferation treaty
    The main aspect of the non-proliferation treaty was to stop spreading nuclear weapons. Many countries started to agree and signed the treaty. Most countries today have ratified it, which shows that even decades later, it is still a very important part if history.