Timeline of the Bourbon Reigns and political events during the 19th century in Spain
Period: to
Reign of Charles IV
War with France
It was between 1793 and 1795 -
Peace of Basel
Treaty of Fontanebleau
Period: to
Reign of Jose I Bonaparte
Period: to
War of Independence
Munity of Aranjuez
Abdication of Charles IV
Uprising of the people of Madrid
Abdication of Bayonne
Implementation of the Bayonne Statute
Supreme Central Junta
Cortes of Cádiz
The laws they approved established freedom of prees (1810), abolish manors (1811), trade guilds (1813) and the Inquisition (1813) -
Constitution of 1812
It was the first in the history of Spain. It recognised individual rights like equiality before the law and established national sovereignty and the separation of powers. Thus, absolutism was replace by a liberal political system -
Treaty of Valençay
Period: to
Reign of Ferdinand VII
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The Absolutist Sexennium
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The Liberal Triennium
Invasion of the 100,000 sons of San Louis
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The Ominous Decade
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Reign of Isabella II
Period: to
Regency State
Period: to
1rst Carlist War
Convention of Vergara
Period: to
Reign of Isabella II
Period: to
Moderate Decade
Constitution of 1845
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2nd Carlist War
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Progressive Biennium
Constitution of 1856
Period: to
Alternation of Power
Pact of Ostend
Period: to
Provisional Government
Constitution of 1869
Period: to
The Glorious Revolution
When it started, Isabel II sent into exile -
Period: to
Reign of Amadeo de Savoy
It was a democratic monarchy. -
Period: to
3rd Carlist War
Period: to
First Republic
Restoration of Bourbon Monarchy