Timeline of the average physical development milestones from birth until around 10 years old
Period: 2000 BCE to 1995 BCE
Lifts head when on tummy, grasps objects, turns head towards sounds.
Stands alone, takes first steps, picks up small objects with thumb and finger.
Sits without support, crawls, pulls up to stand.
Walks independently, begins to run, scribbles with crayon.
Rolls over, sits with support, reaches for objects and grabs them.
Climbs stairs with help, kicks a ball, builds tower of 4 blocks.
Skips, swings, and climbs well, starts learning to write letters and numbers.
Rides a bicycle, ties shoelaces, prints some letters and numbers.
Masters basic sports skills (e.g., swimming, soccer), shows more control in writing and drawing.
Refines motor skills, engages in complex physical activities (e.g., gymnastics, team sports).
Hops on one foot, catches a bounced ball, draws a person with 2-4 body parts.