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Timeline of Inventions in the 80's

By aronc20
  • The Hepatitis B vaccine was invented

    The Hepatitis B vaccine was invented
  • personal computers (PC) are introduced by IBM

    personal computers (PC) are introduced by IBM
  • The scanning tunneling microscope was invented

    The scanning tunneling microscope was invented
  • human growth hormone is invented

    human growth hormone is invented
  • E.T. movie is released

    E.T. movie is released
  • Cabbage Patch Kids are popular

    Cabbage Patch Kids are popular
  • Soft Bifocal contact lenses were invented

    Soft Bifocal contact lenses were invented
  • The Apple Macintosh was invented

    The Apple Macintosh was invented
  • PG-13 movie rating created

    PG-13 movie rating created
  • Back To The Future opens

    Back To The Future opens
  • Windows peogram was invented by Microsoft

    Windows peogram was invented by Microsoft
  • Fuji introduced/invented the disposable camera

    Fuji introduced/invented the disposable camera
  • Halley's comet passes by

    Halley's comet passes by
  • the first 3-D video game is invented

    the first 3-D video game is invented
  • digital cellular phones were invented

    digital cellular phones were invented
  • high-definition television is invented

    high-definition television is invented