Timeline Of The 1900's

By jkopp
  • Period: to

    Wilson's Presidency

  • WW1 Timeframe Begin

  • Lusitania

  • Period: to

    Great Migration Timeframe

  • Year Rankin Elected To Congress

  • Silvertown Explosion

    Silvertown Explosion
    A munition's factory in London explodes with 50 tons of TNT kiling 73 and injuring 400. Explosives were being used for Britain's WW1 efforts.
  • Lenin Russian Revolution

  • Zimmerman Telegram

    Zimmerman Telegram
    The Zimmerman Telegram was a telegram proposing a German-Mexican Alliance. Germany prepared to offer financial aid if Mexico allies with Germany in any US-Germany conflicts.
  • Selective Service Act

  • First Pulitzer Prize

    First Pulitzer Prize
    Laura E. Richards, Maud Howe Elliott and Florence Hall receive the first Pulitzer for a biography on Julia Ward Howe.
  • Espionage Act

  • Wilson's 14 Points

  • Period: to

    Influenza Epidemic

  • Sedition Act

  • WW1 Timeframe End

  • Schenk vs. US

  • US Rejects League Of Nations

  • US Senate Rejects Treaty Of Versailles

  • First Black baseball league, National Negro Baseball League

    First Black baseball league, National Negro Baseball League
    The first Black baseball league is formed, beginning the change of allowing African Americans in major league sports.
  • 19th Amendment

  • Hitler Sentenced To Jail

    Hitler Sentenced To Jail
    Hitler leads the unsuccessful "Beer Hall Putsch" and was sentenced 5 years in jail for high treason. While in jail he begins writing "Mein Kampf".