Timeline of Tecnolochy

  • 3

    Invention of writing (3000 A.C)

    Invention of writing (3000 A.C)
    Based on current archaeological evidence, the writing appeared at the same time in
    Mesopotamia and Egypt, about a century before 3000 BC. It is likely that it began
    a little earlier in Mesopotamia, given the date of the oldest clay tablets from Uruk, around
    from 3300 BC.
    I have chosen writing because it is the first thing that was used to communicate between cities and towns of old
  • 150

    Invention of the smoke signals(150B.C)

    Invention of the smoke signals(150B.C)
    Not only the Indians used smoke signals to exchange information, but also in the 150 BC the Romans worked in this type of transmission and had smoke telegraphs for a total length of 4500 kilometers, these were widely used for military signaling, the network of these telegraphs consisted
  • 776

    Messenger pigeon (776 A.C)

    Messenger pigeon (776 A.C)
    The use of pigeons as a means of communication at a distance has been known since ancient times. The Greeks transmitted to the cities the names of the winners of the Olympic Games by means of doves
  • 1440


    There is a key date, 1440 is the year in which the invention of the printing press is finally officially attributed to the German Johannes Gutenberg, best known as "Father of the Printing", after a great controversy for disputing this title between other applicants.
  • Invetion of the postal mail(1653)

    Invetion of the postal mail(1653)
    In 1653, the French De Valayer established a postal system in Paris. He placed the first mailboxes as we know them. His company deposited letters there (as long as customers used the postage-paid envelopes that he sold himself).
  • Invetion of telegraph(1829)

    Invetion of telegraph(1829)
    It was Joseph Henry who in 1829 built the first telegraph. However, the person who gave him great impetus was the American Samuel Morse (1791-1872), who invented a code named after him. ... The news meant money and the electric telegraph made it possible to obtain it quickly.
  • The telephone (1854)

    The telephone (1854)
    The telephone was invented in 1854 by the Italian inventor Antonio Meucci. He built it to connect his office with his bedroom so he could talk to his wife, who was immobilized in bed due to illness. The device could transmit acoustic signals remotely by means of electrical signals.
  • Invention of the typewriter(1855)

    Invention of the typewriter(1855)
    In 1855 the Italian Giuseppe Ravizza created a typewriter prototype. The typewriter is a mechanical, electromechanical or electronic device, with a set of keys that, when pressed, print characters on a document, usually paper. The person who operates a typewriter is called a typist.
  • Invention of disk(1887)

    Invention of disk(1887)
    In 1887, Emile Berliner obtained a patent for his latest invention - a way that allowed him to record and transmit sound through a record that he called a gramophone. ... The discs allowed to record 3 minutes of music. The recording process was quite rudimentary and it was called acoustic recording.
  • Invention of the radio. (1890)

    Invention of the radio. (1890)
    The invention of the means of communication commonly known as radio, although it was generally attributed to Guillermo Marconi in the 1890s.
  • Invention of the television(1926)

    Invention of the television(1926)
    The story begins in 1926, when the engineer John Logie Baird invented television after several attempts to copy the radio's electromagnetic wave system. ... This is how on January 26, 1926, the first images were transmitted on a television screen.
  • Invention of computer(1936)

    Invention of computer(1936)
    The birth of the first computer was in 1936. Where Honrad Zuse created the first computer in history calling it Z1. The Z1 was the first fully programmable computer system. ... About 10 years later the transistor was born, which would become an essential part of the electronics that make up a computer
  • Invention of the first electronic computer(1946)

    Invention of the first electronic computer(1946)
    In 1943, construction began on the first general-purpose computer based on electronic circuits, the ENIAC (acronym for Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer). The ENIAC was completed in 1945 and presented to the public on February 15, 1946
  • Invention of the haerd disk(1956)

    Invention of the haerd disk(1956)
    The origin of the hard disk dates back to September 13, 1956. Then, the multinational IBM presented the first in history. The Ramac 305. A disk the size of two refrigerators, which weighed one ton and had a capacity of five MegBytes.
  • Invention of television with flat panel(1958)

    Invention of television with flat panel(1958)
    The first flat panel production was the Aiken tube, developed in the early 1950s and in 1958 it was produced in limited quantities. It was given some use in military systems as a display screen, but conventional technologies outgrew its development.
  • Invention of the first tablet(1968)

    Invention of the first tablet(1968)
    If we want to talk about the first tablet we have to go back to 1968, the year in which Alan Kay surprised with a conceptual design that we can consider as the common "grandfather" of all electronic tablets, the Dynabook.
  • Invetion of e-mail(1971)

    Invetion of e-mail(1971)
    1971 is the year that the first appearance of the electronic mail takes place, with the sending of the first 'email'. It was the American engineer Roy Tomlinson who unknowingly invented one of the most popular forms of communication today.
  • The first laptop (1981)

    The first laptop (1981)
    Which was released in April 1981 and developed by Adam Osborne. The Osborne I weighed 11 kg, had a 5-inch screen, 64 KB of memory, two 5 1/4 "floppy drives.
  • Creation of Internet (1983)

    Creation of Internet (1983)
    It is the year 1983 that is usually marked as the year the "Internet was born." It was then that the United States Department of Defense decided to use the TCP / IP protocol in its Arpanet network, thus creating the Arpa Internet network. Over the years it remained with the name of only "Internet"
  • Invention of Windows(1985)

    Invention of Windows(1985)
    In 1985, Microsoft published the first version of Windows, a graphical user interface (GUI) for its own operating system (MS-DOS) that had been included in the IBM PC and supported since 1981.
  • The first smartphone (1996)

    The first smartphone  (1996)
    The Nokia 9000 Comunicator was unveiled at the 1996 CeBIT IT fair in Hannover, Germany, and was launched on August 15 of that year. The device marked the idea of ​​what a smartphone should look like for a decade: with buttons. Many buttons. They were small computers for people who traveled a lot.
  • The first iPhone (2007)

    The first  iPhone (2007)
    Apple's iPhone first went on sale on June 29, 2007, about five months after its original announcement on January 9, 2007. Then-CEO Steve Jobs introduced the new smartphone to a packed audience. It's hard to imagine now, but the first version of the iPhone didn't have a number of features that we take for granted today, like copy and paste, 3G, or even apps.
    I have chosen the iphon as the last one because after this invention there has been nothing relevant to the TIC.