Timeline of Technology in the '90's

  • World Wide Web

    Tim Berners-Lee receives approval by Christmas of 1990 for WorldWideWeb. It features a server, HTML, URLs, and the first browser.
  • Microsoft Windows NT

    Microsoft Windows is released by Dave Cutler. It was the first 32- Bit version of Windows This was especially useful for engineering and scientific users at the time.
  • Playstation

    Sony releases the playstation, entering the home gaming market. They were originally collaborated with Nintendo on making the Super Nintendo, and continued creating systems that would support games.
  • iMac

    Apple creates its first product under the leadership of Steve Jobs. This include a 15" monitor, and a 4GB Hard Drive that sold for $1,300.
  • Microdrive

    At the time, these were the smallest hard drives releasing at 170 and 340 MB. These were what many of the handheld and mobile devices contained for data storage.