Invention of the Microscope
Invented by Galileo Galilei -
Invention of the Steam Piston Engine
Invented by Thomas Newcomen -
Invention of the Flying Shuttle
Invented by Johnathan Kay -
Invention of the Steam Locomotive
Invented by George Stephenson -
Invention of the Mechanical Computer
Invented by Charles Babbage -
Invention of Morse Code
Invented by Samuel Morse -
Invention of the Typewritter
Invented by Charles Thurder -
Invention of the Revolving Macine Gun (Gatling Gun)
Invented by Richard J. Gatling -
The Eiffle Tower is Completed
Invention of the Wireless Communication Protocol
Invented by 1893 -
Invention of the Color Photographer
Invented by Auguste and Louis Lumiere -
Invention of the Electronic Television
Invented by Philo Farnsworth -
Invention of the Jet Engine
Invented by Frank Whittle and Hans von Ohain -
Invention of the Optical Fibre Cable Standard
Invented by Basil Hirschowitz, C. Wilbur Peters, and Lawrence E. Curtiss -
Invention of the e (Electronic) -Mail Communications Standard
Invented by Ray Tomlinson