
Timeline of space exploration

  • First artificial satellite

    First artificial satellite
    Sputnik was the first artificial satellite and it was launched by USSR
  • First mammal in orbit

    First mammal in orbit
    The first mammal in orbit was Laika, a USSR dog and the mission was called "Sputnik 2"
  • First photograph of Earth from orbit

    First photograph of Earth from orbit
    First photo was took by USA in 7 august 1959 in the Explorer 6 mission's
  • First human-crewed orbital flight

    First human-crewed orbital flight
    They went from USSR The mission was called Vostok 1
  • First spacecraft to impact the far side of the Moon

    First spacecraft to impact the far side of the Moon
    The mission was called Ranger 4
  • First woman in space

    First woman in space
    The first woman who went on space was Valentina Tereshkova and she was from USSR, the mission was called Vostok 6.
  • First soft landing on another world

    USSR launched a vehicle on the moon which land softly. The mission was called Luna 9.
  • First human on the Moon

    First human on the Moon
    In the 20 of July of 1969, the first human who put a step on the moon was from USA and his name was Neil Armstrong. The mission was named APOLLO 11.
  • First space station

    First space station
    The first space station was created by USSR, his name was Salyut 1
  • First photos and soil samples from Mars

    First  photos and soil samples from Mars
    First successful photograph and soil samples from the surface of Mars. Mission was lead by NASA (usa) and it was called "Viking Lander"
  • First photograph of the whole Solar System

    First photograph of the whole Solar System
    First photo of the Solar System was took in the 14 february of 1990 by NASA (usa). Mission was called "Voyager 1".
  • First food grown in space eaten

    First food grown in space eaten
    The first food which grown in the space and which got eaten, was a lettuce. By ISS in 10 august 2015.