Sor juana ines dela cruz

Timeline of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz

  • Birth

    Juana Inés de Asbaje Ramírez de Santillana, she was born in San Miguel Nepantla, state of México. She was the illegitimate daughter of Pedro Manuel de Asbaje and Isabel Ramírez de Santillana.
  • Learning

    She learned to read and write at the age of three.
  • Literary production

    Literary production
    At the age of eight she wrote his first poem entitled “Loa al Santísimo Sacramento”
  • Social life

    Social life
    She was maid of honor to Leonor Carreto, wife of the Viceroy of New Spain Antonio Sebastián de Toledo.
  • Convent life

    Convent life
    She entered the Convent of Carmelites Discalced in Mexico, where she sicked.
  • Jeronima nun

    Jeronima nun
    She professed as a nun in the Jerónimas Order´s
  • Publication

    His work was published in Spain: Castálida foundation of the only poet, muse tenth, Soror Juana Inés de la Cruz, a religious professed in the monastery of San Gerónimo in the Imperial City of Mexico.
  • Literary continuation

    Literary continuation
    The second volume of his literary works was published
  • Death

    She died in Mexico City.
  • Publication posts

    Publication posts
    Hiss third volume of poems was published entitled: “Fame and posthumous works of the Phoenix of Mexico”.
    She was a precursor of feminism, she fought until she was considered the greatest exponent of literature, within a sexist society.