Unknown 4

Timeline of Dr Ruth Pfau

By Sobia
  • Birth of Dr Ruth Katherina Martha Pfau.

    Birth of Dr Ruth Katherina Martha Pfau.
    Ruth Pfau was born on 9 September 1929, in Leipzig, Germany to Lutheran Christian parents.
  • Grew up seeing the horrors of World War 2.

    Grew up seeing the horrors of World War 2.
    Her home and city Leipzig were destroyed by bombing during the war.
  • Choosing medicine as her future career.

    Choosing medicine as her future career.
    Ruth Pfau moved to West Germany after the Soviet occupation of East Germany and chose medicine as her career.
  • Started pursuing her career in Medicine

    Started pursuing her career in Medicine
    She studied medicine at University of Mainz and Marburg in West Germany.
  • Converted to Roman Catholicism.

    Converted to Roman Catholicism.
  • Joined the catholic order of the ‘Daughters of the heart of Mary’.

    Pfau said that she felt like God had chosen her for himself.
  • Fate brought her to Karachi.

    Fate brought her to Karachi.
    She was sent to a mission station in India but broke her journey in Karachi due to visa issues and was introduced to the leprosy work there.She was devastated to see the condition of leprosy patients in Pakistan and decided then and there to do something for them.
  • Went to South India to acquire training in the management of leprosy.

    She received training necessary for leprosy management in Vellore, South India.
  • Started training program for paramedical workers.

    Started training program for paramedical workers.
    After returning to Karachi she initiated a training program for paramedical workers so that they could acquire necessary professional education.
  • Started setting up leprosy control centers across Pakistan.

    Started setting up leprosy control centers across Pakistan.
    Today there are about 157 leprosy centers all across Pakistan.
  • Traveled to every corner of the country to rescue leprosy patients.

    Traveled to every corner of the country to rescue leprosy patients.
    She devoted her life and time for the treatment of Leprosy struck people all around the country.
  • Appointed Federal Advisor on Leprosy to the Minister of Health, Government of Pakistan.

    The government found the right person in Dr Ruth for the position of Federal Advisor on Leprosy.
  • Went to Afghanistan to treat leprosy patients.

    Went to Afghanistan to treat leprosy patients.
    Her services were not only limited to Pakistan but to neighboring country Afghanistan as well, as conditions there were not any better than Pakistan.
  • To light a candle and keep it burning.

    To light a candle and keep it burning.
    Her book ‘To light a candle’ which was in German language was translated to English. She has also authored other books like ‘The Last Word is Love: Adventure, Medicine, War, and God’.
  • Awarded the citizenship of Pakistan for her services to the country.

    She accepted the citizenship with honor and was now a dual citizenship holder, a German Pakistani...
  • Pfau managed to control leprosy in Pakistan.

    In 1996, WHO declared Pakistan as one of the first countries in Asia to have controlled leprosy.
  • Founded Marie Adelaide Leprosy Centre in Karachi.

    Founded Marie Adelaide Leprosy Centre in Karachi.
  • A mass gathering was held at St. Patrick's Cathedral to celebrate her 70th birthday.

  • Awarded Life Time Achievement Award by the President of Pakistan.

    Awarded Life Time Achievement Award by the President of Pakistan.
  • Awarded Nishan-I-Quaid-I-Azam for her services.

  • Awarded the BAMBI-unsung heroes under the category of ‘Silent Heroes’.

    Awarded the BAMBI-unsung heroes under the category of ‘Silent Heroes’.
    BAMBI is Germany's most important media award which was rewarded to Dr Ruth Pfau in 2012, for her dedication towards helping lepers in Pakistan.
  • Awarded the Staufer Medal

    Awarded the Staufer Medal
    Ruth Pfau was awarded the Staufer Medal, the highest award of the German state of Baden-Württemberg.
  • Hailed as Pakistan's Mother Teresa.

    Hailed as Pakistan's Mother Teresa.
    She earned the nickname of Pakistan's mother Teresa due to her humanity and kindness.
  • Died at Agha khan University Hospital and buried at Gora Qabaristan Karachi.

    Died at Agha khan University Hospital and buried at Gora Qabaristan Karachi.
    A state funeral was held for Dr Ruth at St Patrick's Cathedral Karachi and the Pakistani flag was draped over her coffin.
  • Google remembers Ruth Pfau on her 90th birthday.

    Google remembers Ruth Pfau on her 90th birthday.
    Her legacy will live on and her commitment and devotion to Pakistan will never be forgotten.