Timeline of Russia History

  • Missionaries entered russia

    Missionaries entered russia
    Missionaries entered russia. Missionaries are people who go to one area and spread their religion. This brought the form of religion.
  • Mongol rule

    Mongol rule
    Mongol warriors from central asia conquered Kieven Rus.
  • Mongol rule ends

    Mongol rule ends
    Ivan the great ends the mongol rule.
  • St.Petersburg is built

    St.Petersburg is built
    Peter the great began to build a new capital called St.Petersburg. It is close to the baltic coast.
  • Revolution

    The people of russia staged a revolution that forced the czar to step down from the throne.
  • Soviet union falls

    Soviet union falls
    Th soviet union falls.
  • Trying to change the soviet union

    Trying to change the soviet union
    Soviets were ready for a change bcause of all the problems that occured in russia (food shortages).
  • Gorbachev

    Mikhail Gorbachev became soviet leader. He quickly began the number of reforms in the soviet union.
  • Falling regions

    Falling regions
    All of the regions communist governments had fallen. Gorbachev hoped that giving some freedoms would win the people's support.
  • Stalin

    Joseph stalin became the new ruler. He as a harsh rruler. He prevented the soviet union from practicing there religions.
  • Wolrd war II

    Wolrd war II
    During world war II, Germany invaded the soviet union. The soviets joined great britain and the united states to defeat the germans.
  • Early russia A.D. 800's

    Early russia A.D. 800's
    The early slavs built civilization around kiev. Today,Ukraine's capital. It is also called the kievan rus.