
Timeline of Richard the Lionhearted

  • Sep 8, 1157

    Richard the Lionheart

    Richard the Lionheart
    Richard the Lionhearted is born
  • 1168

    1168 C.E

    1168 C.E
    At age 11, Richard was given the rich duchy, or state, of Aquitaine in southwestern France.
  • 1189

    Richard the Lionheart becomes king

    Richard the Lionheart becomes king
    After Henry II, Richard became the king of England. Both of Richard's brothers end up dying so Richard becomes king. He was crowned in Westminster, Abbey in the September of 1189.
  • Jan 20, 1190

    Richard the Lionheart joins the third crusade

    Richard the Lionheart joins the third crusade
    1 year after Richard became King he set out along with King Phillip II, of France, to lead the Third Crusade to the Holy Land. During the crusade, Richard has numerous military victories. He also conquered Cyprus.
  • May 12, 1191

    Richard the Lionheart gets married

    Richard the Lionheart gets married
    Richard the Lionheart got married on May 12,1191. Richard the Lionheart got married to Berengaria of Navarre. He was married on the island of Cyprus.
  • 1192

    Richard the Lionheart unsuccessful

    Richard the Lionheart unsuccessful
    Richard was able to position his army twice within miles of Jerusalem, poised to retake the city from Saladin, the main aim of the Crusade. He was unsuccessful, in 1192, Richard and Saladin reached an agreement that gave christians access to, but not possession of, the holy city.
  • Apr 6, 1199

    Brave Richard the Lionheart dies

    Brave Richard the Lionheart dies
    Richard, after leaving from England, he spent his last 5 years of his life fighting Phillip II over French territories he claimed were his or his family's. April 6th, 1199 he died from an arrow while overseeing the seige of a castle of a rebellious noble.