Timeline of Revenue

By rhowe61
  • The Navigation Acts

    these acts were designed to "tighten" the governments control of trade over the colonies and the rest of the world.
  • The Sugar Act

    The Sugar Act is an act that imposes a tax on all sugar and molasses in the colonies.
    This outraged the colonist because it was never well collected, many New England ports suffered because it made smuggling molasses more risky.
  • The Stamp Acts

    Act requiring colonist to pay a tax on ALL printed materials.
    The colonists resisted through public discussions and tarring and feathering tax collectors.
  • The Declaratory Acts

    This act declared that Parliament was entitled to tax the american colonies.
    The colonist did not react all too much to this act, as they were still on the fact that the stamp act had just been repealed.
  • The Townshend Acts

    An indirect tax that led to the taxation of american goods.
    The colonist responded by widespread protest, in return parliament partially repealed this act.