Timeline of Public Administration

By hayesar
  • United States Declaration of Independence

  • Indian Removal Act

    Led to the forced removal of at least 18 tribes from their own lands West, the outcome is also known as the Trail of Tears.
  • John Brown's Raid on Harper's Ferry

    John Brown's Raid on Harper's Ferry
    An effort by slavery abolitionist John Brown to initiate a slave revolt in the southern slave-owning states, causing a national crisis and anxiety through the slave-owning class in the southern states.
  • American Civil War

    The civil war was the accumulation of an era of racial, political, and economic tension that resulted in a secession of the slave-owning states from the rest of the United States
  • Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation

    Changed the legal status of over 3.5 million enslaved African-Americans considered property in the slave-owning states.
  • Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands Established

    Assisted in newly freed slaves in obtaining basic needs such as food, housing and medical services.
  • Juneteenth

    Major General Gordon Granger orders the final enforcement of the Emancipation Proclamation, leading to the release of the final enslaved African-Americans.
  • Reconstruction Era Begins

    Terms under which the Confederate states could rejoin the union were set, federal programs such as the Freedmans Bureau were established
  • Abandonment of Freedman's Bureau

  • Civil Rights Act of 1875

    In response to civil rights violations against African Americans, provided "equal treatment" in public accommodations, though enforcement of the law varied.
  • Progressive Movement Begins

    Social activist movement aimed at reducing social and economic inequalities, and the problems caused by industrial capitalism, urbanization, and political corruption.
  • Period: to

    First US Red Scare

    Escalating labor movement and political radicalization led to a reaction from the state, leading to crackdowns on labor activity, blacklisting of individuals from forms of employment, and largescale destruction of a political movement in the United States.
  • Progressive Movement Ends

  • Period: to

    New Deal Policies Passed

    The American government sought to address systemic problems in the economy through public housing, social security program, public employment opportunities, infrastructure development, and other forms of relief for those experiencing the Depression.
  • Period: to

    Second US Red Scare

    Led to a crackdown on labor activities, and a blacklisting of some federal government employees through the Federal Employees Loyalty Program. Culminated in the House Committee on Un-American Activities and the Communist Control Act of 1954
  • Period: to

    Civil Rights Movement

    A movement for the abolition of segregation through grassroots protests and mass-movement actions.
  • Civil Rights Act

    Established equal employment opportunities and desegregation of school districts, authorized federal intervention to ensure desegregation of public facilities, and outlawed discrimination on the basis of race, religion, sex, or national origin.
  • Occupational Safety and Health Act Passed

    Led to the creation of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, allowing the agency to inspect workplaces for workplace violations.
  • Environmental Protection Agency Created

  • Refugee Act Passed

    Reformed immigration law, allowed for refugees to be admitted on a "humanitarian basis"