Timeline of phones

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  • Cell Phone invented

    Cell Phone invented
    The first cell phone made was the Motorola made by Dr.Joel S. Engel at Bell labs. There will be a long time until they sell the device to the public.
  • First Generation

    First Generation
    The first Gen was the first cell phone to be offered commercially. It is remembered as an iconic part of the 1980s. When it was released it was generally a symbol of wealth.
  • 2G Motorola

    2G Motorola
    The 2G quickly displaces analog 1G networks. Instead of using sound frequencies this generation phone makes it easier to translate sound faster.
  • 3rd Gen Motorola

    3rd Gen Motorola
    The 3rd generation of Motorola is a turning point for cellular devices, that gave other companies ideas on making newer technology. The 3g increased speed and the storage of phones.
  • The Iphone is born

    The Iphone is born
    2007, Apple introduces the first smart phone. The smart phone does more than just calls. Not only is it 10x faster but you can download apps.
  • First apps

    First apps
    The first apps that came out were weather, text, flashlight, maps, and phone. Those were big step ups because it gave them a GPS so if they did not know where they were going the could use google maps.
  • Newer and faster!

    Newer and faster!
    2 years later apple came out with a phone with a better camera, more storage, and voice control
  • Voice control and Androids

    Voice control and Androids
    In 2011 the voice control with google became big in android devices. Google was big before apple launched Siri, Samsung also added a built in heart rate monitor to their flagship Galaxy 5S5.
  • First colored cell phone

    First colored cell phone
    The first colored phone was the I phone 5c, which the c stands for color. This phone is the same as the I phone 5 just has a different colorway. Which made sales boost more due to the colors pink, yellow, blue, green and white.
  • Size matters

    Size matters
    As time goes on more technology is being produced and company's are becoming more experienced. The I phone 7 plus screen display is 57% larger than the original I phone.
  • 5G!!!!!!!

    The U.K. presents the first 5g service in 6 cities. 5g network promises superior data speeds and reliability, boosting camera quality and video streaming.
  • I phone 12 pro

    I phone 12 pro
    The I phone 12 pro has an increased screen size and different color ways. The I phone has a stronger screen and can handle 443 newtons of pressure before cracking, which is insane for a phone

    This future is up and coming with new and futuristic technology. There is going to be Samsung Galaxy fold E which is easy portable but folds out into a big screen
  • Google Pixel Fold

    Google Pixel Fold
    This new and up-coming phone was leaked in 2019 and has been developing since. This phone has a 7.6 inch folding screen, and increases when it folds out, it has fast charging and long battery life.
  • Samsung Galaxy S22 Family

    Samsung Galaxy S22 Family
    This device is a family device it has a 6 inch screen and will have 108mp and 12x optical zoom to take pictures of your family. We might also see the Exynos and AMD platform available for these devices.