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Timeline of NFL _Alijah Adams

By aaa192
  • Evolution of NFL 1900s _Alijah Adams

    Evolution of NFL 1900s _Alijah Adams
    The delvopent of hemelts in the NFL changed alot over 40 years during the 1900 there were no helmets the closest thing they had were leather guarding caps with no protection.
  • Evolution of NFL 1910s _Alijah Adams

    Evolution of NFL 1910s _Alijah Adams
    The hemlmets were almost the same but the rules of the NFL changed due to serious brain damage while playing the game this allowed the NFL to push back the updated helmets.
  • Evolution of NFL 1920s

    Evolution of NFL 1920s
    During the 1920 NFL season the nfl revaled that they will be parthering up with riddel to create moreden day helmets this hemelt inculde foam inside the helmets to prevent injuries.
  • Evolution of NFL 1930s

    Evolution of NFL 1930s
    college football reveld that they will have 2 layers of protection this helmet was so good the NFL chose to buy out college.
  • 1940s helmets

    1940s helmets
    This helmet had 4 layers of protction NFL signed an deal with riddel for 9 years to create safe helmets for all
  • Evolution of NFL 1950s

    Evolution of NFL 1950s
    4layers of protection this prevented 8% less consuions
  • Evolution of NFL 1960s

    Evolution of NFL 1960s
    they evented 2 new morden hemelts
  • Evolution of NFL 2000

    Evolution of NFL 2000
    First ever 6layer hemelts.
  • 2005

    NFl singed an deal with shucft and this created the F7 still an fan favorite to this day
  • 2015

    Riddle speed flext
  • 2020 Nfl hemelts

    2020 Nfl hemelts
    This was the riddle bucket this helped
  • 2024

    helmet this is the frist ever guarding cap