timeline of my life

  • when i was born

    when i was born
    I was born in Goodyear, Arizona
  • Started kindergarten

    Started kindergarten
    I went to this private school from preschool until 1st grade called Self Development Academy
  • i moved schools

    i moved schools
    Starting 2nd grade I moved to a new school called MacArthur and went there 2nd-6th grade
  • became close to my best friend

    we've been best friends for what seems like forever & she's actually my cousin also
  • went to disney

    went to disney
    I went to disney land when i was 10, it was so much fun. My favorite ride was the tower of terror. I probably rode that ride 7 or 8 times before we left.
  • junior high

    junior high
    I went to Stapley Junior High in 7th grade
  • I moved schools again

    I moved schools again
    I went to Arete Prep Academy also known as Great Hearts Academy from 8th-10th grade. I made some really cool friends there too:)
  • got my dog

    got my dog
    I got my first dog after my childhood dog died. Her name is Faith. here's a picture of her smiling:)
  • moved schools once again

    I moved to Mountain View in April of last school year so this year will be my first full school year here
  • New York & New Jersey

    New York & New Jersey
    i went to New York & New Jersey twice but the most memorable was back in August when i went to go visit my uncle for his birthday. we stayed at his beach house for most of the trip but for the last day we stayed in his penthouse in New York City. It was super nice & the food from China Town was to die for.